Research Publications


Culture in humans and other animals
Peter J Richerson, Robert T Boyd 

Cultural evolution: Where we have been and where we are going (maybe)
Robert Boyd, Peter Richerson 

Why collective music-making is sometimes rare: A study of four indigenous societies
Center for Open Science
Dor Shilton, Aniruddh D Patel, Kim Hill, Chris von Rueden 

Environmental complexity and regularity shape the evolution of cognition
Proceedings of the Biological Sciences
Cameron Rouse Turner, Thomas J H Morgan, Thomas L Griffiths 

A 4.3-million-year-old Australopithecus anamensis mandible from Ileret, East Turkana, Kenya, and its paleoenvironmental context
Journal of Human Evolution
Jason Lewis, Carol Ward, William Kimbel, Casey Kidney, Frank Brown, Rhonda Quinn, John Rowan, Igancio Lazagabaster, William Sanders, Meave Leakey, Louise Leakey

Re-evaluating the relationship between female social bonds and infant survival in wild baboons
Maria JA Creighton, Brian A Lerch, Elizabeth C Lange, Joan B Silk, Jenny Tung, Elizabeth A Archie, Susan C Alberts 

Third-party arbitration and forgiving strategies increase cooperation when perception errors are common
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Hillary Lenfesty, Sarah Mathew, Thomas Fikes, Cody T Ross, Robert Boyd 

Long-term biotic homogenization in the East African Rift System over the last 6 million years of hominin evolution
Nature Ecology & Evolution
John Rowan, Andrew Du, Erick Lundren, J. Tyler Faith, Lydia Beaudrot, Christopher J. Campisano, Josephine C Joordens, Ignacio A Lazagabaster, Ellis M. Locke, Irene E. Smail, Kaye E Reed, Jason M Kamilar 

Presence of Cernictis and Lutravus (Ictonychinae, Mustelidae, Carnivora) in eastern Asia and the dispersal of Ictonychinae during the Late Miocene
Journal of Systemic Palaeontology

3.3 million years of stone tool complexity suggests that cumulative culture began during the Middle Pleistocene
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Jonathan Paige, Charles Perreault 

On the scientific credibility of paleoanthropology
Evolutionary Anthropology
Brian Villmoare, William Kimbel

Removing snares is an effective conservation intervention: A case study involving chimpanzees
John Mitani, et al, including Kevin Langergraber 

Medical mistrust, discrimination and healthcare experiences in a rural Namibia community
Global Public Health
Sean Prall, Brooke Scelza, Helen Elizabeth Davis 

Animal behavior: A tale of two apes
Current Biology
Joan Silk 

Diverse papillomaviruses identified from Antarctic fur seals, leopard seals, and Weddell seals from the Antarctic
June 2024, vol 594
Melanie Regney et al, including Adele E. Crane, Anne C. Stone

Paleoecology and paleobiogeography of the latest Miocene site of Shuitangba, Zhaotong, China
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
May 2024, vol 641
D.F. Su, J. Kelley, et al.

Lucy’s World
Science Magazine (cover)

Adaptive foraging behaviours in the Horn of Africa during Toba supereruption
John Kappelman, et al, including Jayde Hirniak, Christopher Campisano, Curtis Marean

The development and diversity of religious cognition and behavior: Protocol for Wave 1 data collection with children and parents by the Developing Belief Network
Kara Weisman et al, including Helen Elizabeth Davis

Targeted enrichment of whole-genome SNPs from highly burned skeletal remains
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Matthew V. Emery et al including Stevie Winingear, Anne C. Stone

Why reciprocity is common in humans but rare in other animals
Nature News and Views
Sarah Mathew

Is the mind a Swiss-army knife or a crowbar?
Human Behavior & Evolution Society
Thomas J.H. Morgan

Prestige, conformity, and gender consistency support a broad-context mechanism underpinning mate-choice copying
Evolution and Human Behavior
01.2024, vol 45, issue 1
Melanie Foreman, Thomas J.H. Morgan

Poor oral health is associated with inflammation, aortic valve calcification, and brain volume among forager-farmers
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Benjamin C. Trumble, Matthew Schwartz, Andrew T Ozga, Gary T Schwartz, Christopher M Stojanowski, Carrie L Jenkins, Thomas S Kraft, Angela R Garcia, Daniel K Cummings, Paul L Hooper et al.

Developing conceptions of physical, biological, psychological, and sociological constraints on human action across cultures
OSF Registries
Jenny Nissel, et al including Helen Elizabeth Davis

PanAf20K: A large video dataset for wild ape detection and behaviour recognition
Otto Brookes et al, including Kevin Lee, Kevin Langergraber

Female chimpanzees avoid inbreeding even in the presence of substantial bisexual philopatry
Royal Society Open Science
Lauren C White, Veronika Stadele, Sebastian Ramirez Amaya, Kevin Langergraber, Linda Vigilant

Group-structured cultural selection can explain both war and peace
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Sarah Mathew, Matthew Zefferman

A new MIS 5 to MIS 2 speleothem record from Sandkraal Cave on the South African Cape south coast
Quaternary Research
Kerstin Braun, et al including Erich Fisher, Curtis Marean

Dental morphology in Homo habilis and its implications for the evolution of early Homo
Nature Communications
Thomas W. Davies et al, including William H. Kimbel

Prestige, conformity, and gender consistency support a broad-context mechanism underpinning mate-choice copying
Evolution and Human Behavior
Melanie Foreman, Thomas J.H. Morgan


A dataset describing the manufacturing of stone tools over 3 million years
Journal of Open Archaeology Data
Jonathan Paige, Charles Perreault

Between-group cooperation in bonobos
Perspective Joan Silk

Three South African silcrete sources can be identified regardless of heat treatment using solution ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS
Research Square
Jayde Hirniak, John K. Murray, Andrew Zipkin

Agentic processes in cultural evolution: Relevance to Anthropocene sustainability
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Peter J. Richerson, Robert T. Boyld, Charles Efferson 

Demographic and hormonal evidence for menopause in wild chimpanzees
Brian Wood, Jacob Negrey, Janine Brown, Tobias Deschner, Melissa Emery Thompson, Sholly Gunter, John Mitani, David Watts, Kevin Langergraber

Taxonomic attribution of the KNM-ER 1500 partial skeleton from the Burgi Member of the Koobi Fora Formation, Kenya
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 184
Carol Ward, Ashley Hammond, Frederick Grine, Carrie Mongle, Julie Lawrence, William Kimbel

The importance of C3 and C4 grasses and CAM shrubs in the Greater Cape Floristic Region under contemporary and Last Glacial Maximum climates
Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 318
B. Adriaan Grobler, Janet Franklin, Curtis Marean, Claudine Gravel-Miguel, Richard Cowling

By the lakeshore: Multi-scalar geoarchaeology in the Turkana Basin at GaJj17, Koobi Fora (Kenya)
Quaternary Science Reviews
Kathryn Ranhorn et al

Early Pliocene fauna from the Lower Laetolil Beds, Laetoli, Tanzania
Terry Harrison, Denise Su, Elizabeth Fillion, Amandus Kwekason
Historical Biology

Prestige, conformity, and gender consistency support a broad-context mechanism underpinning mate-choice copying
Evolution and Human Behavior
Melanie Foreman, Thomas J. H. Morgan

What does prey harvest composition signal to a social audience?: Experimental studies with Ache hunter-gatherers of Paraguay
Evolution and Human Behavior, vol 44, no 5
Andrew Bishop, Amanda McGrosky, Benjamin Trumble, Michael Gurven, Kim Hill

Drivers of large mammal distribution: An overview and modelling approach for palaeoecological reconstructions of extinct ecosystems
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Christopher Brooke, Curtis Marean, Colin Wren, Sean Bergin, Patrick Fahey, Jan Venter

Identifying fire victims through DNA analysis can be challenging—A geneticist explains what forensics is learning from archaeology
The Conversation
Anne Stone

Inter-household transfers of material goods among Sama “sea nomads” of the Philippines: Reciprocity, helping, signaling, or something else?
Julia Phelps, Mitchel E. Pitogo Kier, Angelica Emit, Kim Hill

Yves Coppens, Evolution and Mozart—Colloque in memoriam Y. Coppens
Human Evolution, vol 38, no 1–2 (2023)
Johanson, Haile-Selassie, Tattersall included

Magmatism during the contient–ocean transition
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
July 2023, vol 614
Tyrone O. Rooney, Eric L. Brown, Ian D. Bastow, J. Ramon Arrowsmith, Christopher J. Campisano

Aspects of molar form and dietary proclivities of African colobines
Journal of Human Evolution
July 2023, vol 180
Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg et al, including Gary T. Schwartz

The earliest most complete skeleton of Theropithecus
Journal of Human Evolution
July 2023, vol 180
Stephen R. Frost, Nina G. Jablonski, Yohannes Haile-Selassie

Environmental controls on the hydrogen isotopic composition of volcanic glass from the Southern Afar rift, eastern Ethiopia
Chemical Geology
06.30.2023, vol 628
Sebastian Jimeniz-Rodriguez et al, including Christopher J. Campisan

Reproductive inequality among males in the genus Pan
Transactions of the Royal Society B
Maud Mouginot et al, including Ian C. Gilby

Tradeoffs between mating effort and parenting effort in a polygynandrous mammal
Caitlin R. Hawley, Sam K. Patterson, Joan B. Silk

Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals
Cody T. Ross et al, including Kim Hill

Gods are watching and so what? Moralistic supernatural punishment across 15 cultures
Evolutionary Human Sciences, Cambridge University Press
Theiss Bendix et al, including Carla Handley, Sarah Mathew

Personality traits, rank attainment, and siring success throughout the lives of male chimpanzees of Gombe National Park
Peer J
04.24.2023 (publish date)
Alexander Weiss et l, including Ian C. Gilby

Replicability in lithic analysis
American Antiquity
Justin Pargeter et al, including Kathryn Ranhorn

Beyond Newton: Why assumptions of universality are critical to cognitive science and how to finally move past them
Ivan Kroupin, Helen Elizabeth Davis, Joseph Henrich

“Doing what others do” does not stabilize continuous norms
PNAS Nexus, vol 2, issue 3
Minhua Yan, Sarah Mathew, Robert Boyd

White sclera is present in chimpanzees and other mammals
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 76, March 2023
Isabelle R Clark, Kevin C Lee, Tucker Poux, Kevin E Langergraber, John C Mitani, David Watts, James Reed, Aaron A Sandel

Personality traits, rank attainment, and siring success throughout the lives of male chimpanzees of Gombe National Park
Alexander Weiss et al including Ian Gilby

Climatic stability recorded in speleothems may contribute to higher biodiversity in the Cape Floristic Region
Journal of Biogeography

Adaptations to water stress and pastoralism in the Turkana of northwest Kenya
AJ Lea et al including R Siford, A Stone, AM Taravella Oill, S Mathew, MA Wilson

Ancient pathogens provide a window into health and well-being
Cecil M. Lewis Jr, Mercy Y. Akinyi, Sharon N. DeWitte, Anne C Stone

2023 Chapters and Books   

Kathryn L. Ranhorn, Mariam Bundala. Tanzanian Women in Archaeology in Women in Archaeology book series, p 461–281. Springer 07.13.2023.

Anne Stone. Ancient DNA and Disease, in A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Clark Spencer Larsen, ed., John Wiley & Sons. 03.06.2023


From bedrock to bipeds: Review of Only in Africa: The Ecology of Human Evolution.
By Norman Owen-Smith, 2021. Cambridge University Press.
American Journal of Biological Anthropology, vol 180, issue 2
Kaye Reed

New perspectives on the evolution of women’s cooperation
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Stephanie A Fox, Brooke Scelza, Joan Silk, Karen L Kramer

No strong evidence for universal gender differences in the development of cooperative behaviour across societies
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Bailey House, Joan B. Silk, Katherine McAuliffe

Sex differences in cooperative coalitions: A mammalian perspective
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Jennifer E. Smith, Adrian V. Jaeggi, Rose K. Holmes, Joan B. Silk

Does the model reflect the system? When two-dimensional biomechanics is not ‘good enough’
Interface: Royal Society Publishing
Amanda L Smith, Julian Davis, Olga Panagiotopoulou, Andrea B Taylor, Chris Robinson, Carol V Ward, William H. Kimbel, Zeresenay Alemseged, Callum F Ross

The experimental evolution of human culture: Flexibility, fidelity, and environmental instability
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Thomas J.H. Morgan, Jordan W. Suchow, Thomas L. Griffiths

Comparative description and taxonomic affinity of 3.7-million-year-old hominin mandibles from Woranso-Mille (Ethiopia)
Journal of Human Evolution
Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Beverly Z. Saylor, Mulugeta Alene, Alan Deino, Luis Gibert, Gary T. Schwartz

What does prey harvest composition signal to a social audience? Experimental studies with Ache hunter-gatherers of Paraguay
Evolution of Human Behavior
Andrew P.C. Bishop, Amanda McGroskey, Benjamin C. Trumble, Michael Gurven, Kim Hill

Understanding turkey management in the Mimbres Valley of southwestern New Mexico using ancient mitochondrial DNA and stable isotopes
American Antiquity
Sean G. Dolan et al including Andrew T. Ozga, Anne C. Stone, Kelly Knudson

How surprising are lithic reduction strategies? The information entropy of the modes A-I framework
Lithic Technology
Jonathan Paige, Charles Perreault

A new approach to the quantitative analysis of bone surface modifications: The Bowser Road Mastodon and implications for the data to understand human-megafauna interactions in North America
Journal of Archaeological Methods and Theory
Erik R. Otarola-Castillo et al, including Jacob A. Harris, Curtis W. Marean

What sort of mind/brain is compatible with cultural adaptation?
Journal of Cognition and Culture
Peter J. Richerson, Robert T. Boyd

Two million years of obsidian extraction, utilization, and exchange in eastern Africa
OSF Preprints
Steven Goldstein, Sydney E. James, Kathryn Ranhorn

Advanced cognition in wild chimpanzees: Lessons from observational studies
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
08.2022 vol 46
Ian C. Gilby, Zarin P. Machanda

Female reproduction and viral infection in a long-lived mammal
Journal of Animal Ecology
Jacob D. Negrey et all including Kevin E. Langergraber

Vocal signals facilitate cooperative hunting in wild chimpanzees
Science Advances
Joseph G. Mine, Katie E. Slocombe, Erik P. Willems, Ian C. Gilby, Miranda Yu, Melissa Emery Thompson, Martin N. Muller, Richard W. Wrangham, Simon W. Townsend, Zarin P. Machanda

Uncovering signals of positive selection in Peruvian populations from three ecological regions
Molecular Biological Evolution 39 (8)
Rocio Caro-Consuegra, Maria A. Nieves-Colon, Erin Rawls, Veronica Rubin-de-Celis, Beatriz Lizarrago, Tatiana Vidaurre, Karla Sandoval, Laura Fejerman, Anne C. Stone, Andres Moreno-Estrada, Elena Bosch

Earliest giant panda false thumb suggests conflicting demands for locomotion and feeding
Nature: Scientific Reports
Xiaoming Wang, Denise F. Su, Nina G. Jablonski, Xuepin Ji, Jay Kelley, Lawrence J. Flynn, Tao Deng


Characterization of Pan social systems reveals in-group/out-group distinction and out-group tolerance in bonobos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Liran Samuni, Kevin E. Langergraber, Martin H. Surbeck


Exploitation of lydite and jasper by Epipaleolithc foragers in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 14-123
Xuke Shen, Charles Perreault, Huan Xia, Junting Yao, Yishou Liu, Donju Zhang, Fahu Chen


A new genus of treeshrew and other micromammals from the middle Miocene hominoid locality of Ramnagar, Udhampur District, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Cambridge Core
Ramesh Kumar Sehgal, Abhishek Pratap Singh, Christopher C. Gilbert, Biren A. Patel, Christopher J. Campisano, Keegan R. Selig, Rajeev Patnaik, Ningthoujam Premijit Singh


Mapping magnetism: Geophyscial modelling of stratigraphic features by using in situ magnetic susceptibility measurements at Pinnacle Point 5-6 North, South Africa
Ada Dinckal, Erich C. Fisher, Andy I.R. Herries, Curtis W. Marean


Plio-Pleistocene environmental variability in Africa and its implications for mammalian evolution
Andrew S. Cohen, et al including John Rowan, Christopher Campisano, Kaye Reed


Early Pleistocene large mammals from Maka’amitalu, Hadar, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia
Peer J
John Rowan, Ignacio A. Lazagabaster, Christopher J. Campisano, William H. Kimbel et al.


Turkana warriors’ call to arms: How an egalitarian society mobilizes for cattle raids
Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B
Sarah Mathew


Correlates of individual participation in boundary patrols by male chimpanzees
University of Edinburgh
Anthony Massaro, Ian Gilby, Nisarg Desai, Alexander Weiss, Joseph Feldblum, Anne Pusey, Michael Wilson


Using functional groups to predict the spatial distribution of large herbivores on the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain, South Africa, during the Last Glacial Maximum
Journal of Quaternary Science
Christopher F. Brooke, Curtis W. Marean, Colin D. Wren, Herve Fritz, Jan A. Venter


Pathways to paternal care in primates
Evolutionary Anthropology
Stacy Rosenbaum, Joan B. Silk


Geographically dispersed zoonotic tuberculosis in pre-contact South American human populations
Nature Communications
Ashild J. Vagene et al, including Anne C. Stone


Reconstructing the environmental context of human origins in eastern Africa through scientific drilling
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Andrew S. Cohen, Christopher Campisano, J. Ramon Arrowsmith, et al


Ancient DNA and deep population structure in sub-Saharan African foragers
Mark Lipson et al, including Kathryn L. Ranhorn, Jessica C. Thompson


Genomes in motion
Book review by Anne Stone


Sediment provenance and silicic volcano-tectonic evolution of the northern East African Rift System from U/Pb and (U-Th)/He laser ablation double dating of detrital zircons
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volume 580
Emily E. Zawacki, Matthijs C. van Soest, Kip V. Hodges, Jennifer J. Scott, Melanie Barboni, Manfred R. Strecker, Craig S. Feibel, Christopher J. Campisano, J. Ramon Arrowsmith


Were prehistoric coastal sites more intensively occupied than inland sites? Using an agent-based model to understand the intensity of prehistoric coastal occupation, and what it means for studies on the evolution of the coastal adaptation
Quaternary International
Claudine Gravel-Miguel, Jan de Vynck, Colin D. Wren, John K. Murray, Curtis W. Marean


Early life adversity has long-term effects on sociality and interaction style in female baboons
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Sam K. Patterson, Shirley C. Strum, Joan B. Silk|


Mosaic habitats at Woranso-Mille (Ethiopia) during the Pliocene and implications for Australopithecus paleoecology and taxonomic diversity
Journal of Human Evolution
02.22, vol 163
Denise F. Su, Yohannes Haile-Selassie


Viruses associated with ill health in wild chimpanzees
American Journal of Primatology
Jacob D. Negrey et al, including Kevin E Langergraber


From trees to the ground: The significance of Australopithecus anamensis in human evolution
Journal of Anthropological Research, vol 77, no 4 Winter 2021
Yohannes Haile-Selassie

2022 Chapters and Books                                                                                                                          

Preventable and curable, but still a global problem: Tuberculosis from an evolutionary perspective in Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach, edited by Kimberly A. Plomp, Charlotte A. Roberts, Sarah Elton, Gilian R. Bentley. Oxford University Press, 2022. Charlotte A. Roberts, Peter D.O. Davies, Kelly E. Blevins, Anne C. Stone

The Evolutionary Roots of Blue Heritage in The Palgrave Handbook of Blue Heritage, edited by Rosabelle Boswell, David O’Kane, Jeremy Hills. Curtis Marean. Springer Nature, June 15, 2022

Geology, Fauna, and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions of the Makapansgat Limeworks Australopithecus africanus–Bearing Paleo-Cave in African Paleoecology and Human Evolution, edited by Sally C. Reynolds and Rene Bobe. Kaye E. Reed, Kevin L. Kuykendall, Andy I.R. Herries, Philip J. Hopley, Matt Sponheimer, Lars Werdelin. Cambridge University Press. May 2022

The Hadar Formation, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia: Geology, Fauna, and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in African Paleoecology and Human Evolution, edited by Sally C. Reynolds and Rene Bobe. Christopher J. Campisano, John Rowan, Kaye E. Reed. Cambridge University Press. May 2022

Paleontology and Geology of the Mursi Formation in African Paleoecology and Human Evolution, edited by Sally C. Reynolds and Rene Bobe. Michelle S.M. Drapeau, Jonathan G. Wynn, Denis Geraads, Laurence Dumouchel, Christopher J. Campisano, Rene Bobe. Cambridge University Press. May 2022



Evolution of social learning with payoff and content bias
Charles Perreault, Robert Boyd


From trees to the ground: The significance of Australopithecus anamensis in human evolution
Journal of Anthropological Research
Winter 2021, vol 77, no 4
Yohannes Haile-Selassie

Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution
Arthur Kocher, Johannes Krause, Denise Kuhnert, Cody Parker
Doi: 10.1126/science.abi5658


A biomechanical perspective on molar emergence and primate life history
Science Advances
Halszka Glowacka, Gary Schwartz
Doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj0335


A worked bone assemblage from 120,000–90,000 year old deposits at Contrebandiers Cave, Atlantic Coast, Morocco
Emily Y. Hallett, Curtis W. Marean,  et al Harold L. Dibble


Comparative biomechanics of the Pan and Macaca mandibles during mastication: Finite element modelling of loading, deformation, and strain regimes
Royal Society
Amand L. Smith, Chris Robinson, Andrea B. Taylor, Olga Panagiotopoulou, Julian Davis, Carol V. Ward, William H. Kimbel, Zeresenay Alemseged, Callum F. Ross


Social bonds provide multiple pathways to reproductive success in wild male chimpanzees
Joseph T. Feldblum, Christopher Krupenye, Joel Bray, Anne E. Pusey, Ian C. Gilby


Social bonds predict dominance trajectories in adult male chimpanzees
Animal Behavior
Joel Bray, Joseph T. Feldblum, Ian C. Gilby


Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates
Royal Society Open Science
Eithne Kavanagh et al, including Joan B Silk


Effects of early life adversity on maternal effort and glucocorticoids in wild olive baboons
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Sam K. Patterson, Katie Hinde, Angela B. Bond, Benjamin C. Trumble, Shirley C. Strum, Joan B. Silk


Resource competition shapes female-female aggression in olive baboon, Papio Anubis
Animal Behaviour
11.2021, vol 176, p 23–41
Sam K. Patterson, Shirley C. Strum, Joan B. Silk


Accessory cusp expression at the enamel-dentine junction of hominin mandibular molars
Paleontology and Evolutionary Science
Thomas W. Davies, Zeresenay Alemseged, Agness Gidna, Jean-Jacques Hublin, William H. Kimbel, Ottmar Kullmer, Fred Spoor, Clement Zanolli, Matthew M. Skinner


Large-scale cooperation in small-scale foraging societies
EcoEvoRxiv Preprint
Robert Boyd, Peter J. Richerson


Retrodicting large herbivore biomass for the last glacial maximum on the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (South Africa) using modern ecological knowledge of African herbivore assemblages and rainfall
Quaternary Research
Christopher F. Brooke, Curtis W. Marean, Colin D. Wren, Herve Fritz, Jan A. Venter


Gregariousness is associated with parasite species richness in a community of wild chimpanzees
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Jessica R. Deere et al, including Ian C. Gilby


The role of causal knowledge in the evolution of traditional technology
Current Biology vol 31, issue 8
Jacob A. Harris, Robert Boyd, Brian Wood


Resource competition shapes female-female aggression in olive baboons, Papio Anubis
Animal Behaviour, Vol 176, 23–41 (June 2021)
Sam K. Patterson, Shirley C. Strum, Joan B. Silk


Combat stress in small-scale society suggests divergent evolutionary roots for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Matthew R. Zefferman and Sarah Mathew


New hominin remains and revised context from the earliest Homo erectus locality in East Turkana, Kenya
Nature Communications
Ashley S. Hammond et al, including Maryse Biernat


Exploring variability in lithic armature discard in the archaeological record
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 155, June 2021
Claudine Gravel-Miguel, John K. Murray, Benjamin J. Schoville, Colin D. Wren, Curtis W. Marean
04.12.2021 online


Morphological integration of the canine region within the hominine alveolar arch
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 154, May 2021
04.12.2021 online
Julie Lawrence, William H. Kimbel


A million-year vegetation history and palaeoenvironmental record from the Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol 567
Veronica M. Muiruri et al, including Christopher Campisano


Extended male-female bonds and potential for prolonged paternal investment in a polygynandrous primate (Papio anubis)
Animal Behaviour, April 2021, vol 174, 31–40
Veronika Stadele, Linda Vigilant, Shirley C. Strum, Joan B Silk


Protecting and preserving South African aeolianite surfaces from graffiti
Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science, vol 63, no 1
Charles W. Helm et al, including Curtis Marean


The DNH 7 skull of Australopithecus robustus from Drimolen (Main Quarry), South Africa
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 151
Yoel Rak, William H. Kimbel, Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi, Charles A Lockwood, Colin Menter


Education and outreach: March Mammal Madness and the power of narrative in science outreach
Katie Hinde, et al, including Melissa Wilson


Human burials at the Kisese II rockshelter, Tanzania
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Myra F. Laird, Elizabeth A Sawchuk, Amandus Kwekason, Audax A P Mabulla, Emmanuel Ndiema, Christian A Tryon, Jason E Lewis, Kathryn L Ranhorn



Competition for priority harms the reliability of science, but reforms can help
Nature Human Behaviour
Leonid Tiokkhin, Minhua Yan, Thomas J. H. Morgan


A million-year vegetation history and paleoenvironmental record from the Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Veronica M. Muiruri et al, including Christopher Campisano


Middle Pleistocene to recent diatoms and stratigraphy of the Magadi Basin, south Kenya Rift
Journal of Paleolimnology 65, 315–333
Veronica M. Muiruri, et al, including Christopher Campisano


Behavioral convergence in humans and animals
Kim Hill, Robert Boyd


Arbitration supports reciprocity when there are frequent perception errors
Nature Human Behaviour
Robert Boyd, Sarah Mathew



Cultural adaptation is maximized when intelligent individuals rarely think for themselves
Evolutionary Human Sciences 
Elena Miu, Thomas J.H. Morgan


A comprehensive survey of Retzius periodicities in fossil hominins and great apes
Journal of Human Evolution vol 149
Russell Hogg, Rodrigo Lacruz, Timothy G. Bromage, M. Christopher Dean, Fernando Ramirez-Rozzi, Senthil Balaji Girimurugan, Amanda McGrosky, Gary T. Schwartz


Drimolen cranium DNH155 documents microevolution in an early hominin species
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Jesse M. Martin et al, including Gary T. Schwartz


Denisovan DNA in Late Pleistocene sediments from Baishiya Karst Cave on the Tibetan Plateau
Dongju Zhang et al including Charles Perreault


The upside of aging
Science, vol 370, issue 6515, 403–404
Joan Silk


A new approach to indentifying heat treated silcrete near Pinnacle Point, South Africa using 3D microscopy and Bayesian modeling
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
John K. Murray, Jacob A. Harris, Simen Oestmo, Miles Martin, Curtis W. Marean


Using manual ungual morphology to predict substrate use in the Drepanosauromorpha and the description of a new species
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Xavier A. Jenkins, Adam C. Pritchard, Adam D. Marsh, Ben T. Klingman, Christian A. Sidor, Kaye E. Reed


Evolutionary history of Mycobacterium leprae in the Pacific Islands
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Kelly E Blevins, Adele E Crane, Christopher Lum, Kanako Furuta, Keolu Fox, Anne Stone


Urine as a high-quality source of host genomic DNA from wild populations
Molecular Ecology Resources
Andrew T. Ozga, Timothy H. Webster, Ian C. Gilby, Melissa A. Wilson, Rebeca S. Nockerts, Michael L. Wilson, Anne E. Pusey, Yingying Li, Beatrice H. Hahn, Anne C. Stone


Cave life histories of non-anthropogenic sediments help us understand associated archaeological contexts
Quaternary Research
Panagiotis Karkanas, Curtis Marean, Mira Bar-Matthews, Zenobia Jacobs, Erich Fisher, Kerstin Braun


Faecal parasites increase with age but not reproductive effort in wild female chimpanzees
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Sarah Renee Phillips, T L Goldberg, M N Muller, Z P Machanda, E Otali, S Friant, J Carag, K E Langergraber, J C Mitani, E E Wroblewski, R W Wrangham, M. Emery Thompson


Demography, life-history trade-offs, and the gastrointestinal virome of wild chimpanzees
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Jacob D. Negrey, Melissa Emery Thompson, Kevin E Langergraber, Zarin P. Machanda, John C. Mitni, Martin N. Muller, Emily Otali, Leah A. Owens, Richard W. Wrangham, Tony L. Goldberg


Associated Australopithecus afarensis second and third metatarsals (A.L. 333-133) from Hadar, Ethiopia
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 146
Jeremy M. DeSilva, Ellison McNutt, Bernhard Zipfel, Carol V. Ward, William H. Kimbel


Environmental variability supports chimpanzee behavioural diversity
Nature Communications, 11:4451
Ammie K. Kalan et al, including Kevin Langergraber


New Middle Miocene ape (primates: Hylobatidae) from Ramnagar, India fills major gaps in the hominoid fossil record
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Christopher C.Gilbert, Alejandra Ortiz, Kelsey D. Pugh, Christopher J. Campisano, Biren A Patel, Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, John G. Fleagle, Rajeev Patnaik


Social relationships among adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii): Variation in the strength and quality of social bonds
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74: 112 
Joel Bray, Ian C. Gilby


A theory limited in scope and evidence
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol 43
Elena Miu, Robert Boyd, Peter J. Richerson, Thomas J.H. Morgan


Cultural adaptation is maximized when intelligent individuals rarely think for themselves
Evolutionary Human Sciences
Elena Miu, Thomas J. H. Morgan


Enamel thickness variation in the deciduous dentition of humans and great apes
American Journal of Anthropology, vol 173, issue 3
Alejandra Ortiz, Katherine Schander-Triplett, Shara E. Bailey, Matthew M. Skinner, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Gary T. Schwartz


Age at first molar emergence in Pan troglodytes verus and variation in the timing of molar emergence among free-living chimpanzees
Journal of Human Evolution, vol 145
Jay Kelley, Gary T. Schwartz, Tanya M. Smith


The emergence and adaptive use of prestige in an online social learning task
Nature: Scientific Reports
C.O. Brand, S. Heap, T.J.H. Morgan, A. Mesoudi


The life history of human foraging: Cross-cultural and individual variation
Science Advances
Jeremy Koster, Richard McElreath, Kim Hill, et al, including Benjamin Trumble


The extended evolutionary synthesis and human origins: Archaeological perspective
Evolutionary Anthropology
John K. Murray, Robert Acio Benitez, Michael J. O’Brien


Experimental evolutionary simulations of learning, memory, and life history
Philosophical Transactions B
Thomas J. H. Morgan, Jordan W. Suchow, Thomas L. Griffiths


The human life history is adapted to exploit the adaptive advantages of culture
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, vol 37, issue 1803
Peter J. Richerson, Robert Boyd


Coastal occupation and foraging during the last glacial maximum and early Holocene at Waterfall Bluff, eastern Pondoland, South Africa
Quaternary Research, vol 97
Erich C. Fisher, Hayley C. Cawthra, Irene Esteban, Antonieta Jerdino, Frank H. Neumann, Annette Oertle, Justin Pargeter, Rosaria B. Saktura, Katherine Szabo, Stephan Winkler, Irit Zohar


Irrelevant-action imitation is short-term and contextual: Evidence from two under-studied populations
Developmental Science, vol 23, issue 3
05.2020 (published online 09.10.2019)
Michelle A. Kline, Matthew M. Gervais, Cristina Moya, Robert T. Boyd



The Palaeo-Agulhas Plain: A lost world and extinct ecosystem (Special issue)
Quaternary Science Reviews 
05.2020, volume 235
Ed. Naomi Cleghorn, Alastair Potts, Hayley Cawthra


The Palaeo-Agulhas Plain: Temporal and spatial variation in an extraordinary extinct ecosystem of the Pleistocene of the Cape Floristic Region
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Curtis W. Marean, Richard M. Cowling, Janet Franklin

Geological and soil maps of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain for the Last Glacial Maximum
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Hayley C. Cawthra, Richard M. Cowling, Sergio Ando, Curtis W. Marean

Describing a drowned Pleistocene ecosystem: Last Glacial Maxiumum vegetation reconstruction of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Richard M. Cowling, Alastair J. Potts, Janet Franklin, Guy F. Midgley, Francois Engelbrecht, Curtis W. Marean

Palaeoenvironments and plan availability during MIS 6 to MIS 3 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhus Plain (south coast, South Africa) as indicated by phytolith analysis at Pinnacle Point
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Irene Esteban, Curtis W. Marean, Richard M. Cowling, Erich C. Fisher, Dan Cabanes, Rosa M. Albert

Comparison of climate and environment on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain to the Little Karoo (South Africa) in Marine Isotope Stages 5–3 as indicated by speleothems
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Kerstin Braun, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Alan Matthews, Avner Ayalon, Tami Zilberman, Richard M. Cowling, Erich C. Fisher, Andy I.R. Herries, James S. Brink, Curtis W. Marean

Micromammal and micromammal stable isotopes from a MIS 6 fossil hyena den (Pinnacle Point site 30, south coast, South Africa) reveal differences in relative contribution of C4 grasses to local and regional palaeovegatation on the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Hope M. Williams, Julia A. Lee-Thorp, Thalassa Matthews, Curtis W. Marean

Past and present distributions and community evolution of Muridae and Soricidae from MIS 9 to MIS 1 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (south coast, South Africa)
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Thalassa Matthews, Curtis W. Marean, Naomi Cleghorn

Migration of Pleistocene shorelines across the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain: Evidence from dated sub-bottom profiles and archaeological shellfish assemblages
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235|
Hayley C. Cawthra, Robert J. Anderson, Jan C. DeVynch, Zenobia Jacobs, Antonieta Jerardino, Katharine Kyriacou, Curtis W. Marean

The resilience to human foraging of intertidal resources on the south Cape coast of South Africa and the implications for prehistoric foragers
Quarternary Science Reviews, volume 235
J.C. De Vynck, M. Difford, R. Anderson, C.W. Marean, R.M. Cowling, K. Hill

Large mammals of the Palaeo-Agulhus Plain showed resilience to extreme climate change but vulnerability to modern human impacts
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Jan A. Venter, Christopher F. Brooke, Curtis W. Marean, Herve Fritz, Charles W. Helm

Pleistocene vertebrate tracksites on the Cape south coast of South Africa and their potential palaeoecological implications
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Charles W. Helm, Hayley C. Cawthra, Richard M. Cowling, Jan C. De Vynck, Martin G. Lockely, Curtis W. Marean, Guy H.H. Thesen, Jan A. Venter

An isotopic test of the seasonal migration hypothesis for large grazing ungulates inhabiting the Palaeo-Agulhus Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Jamie Hodgkins, Curtis W. Marean, Jan A. Venter, Leesha Richardson, Patrick Roberts, Jana Zech, Mark Difford, Sandi R. Copeland, Caley M. Orr, Hanna May Keller, B. Patrick Fahey,Julia A. Lee-Thorp



The foraging potential of the Holocene Cape south coast without the Paleao-Agulhas Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
05.2020, volume 235
Colin D. Wren, Susan Botha, Jan De Vynck, Marco A. Janssen, Kim Hill, Eric Shook, Jacob A. Harris, Brian M. Wood, Jan Venter, Richard Cowling, Janet Franklin, Erich C. Fisher, Curtis W. Marean


Social norms and cultural diversity in the development of third-party punishment
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Bailey R. House, Patricia Kanngiesser, H. Clark Barrett, Suheyla Yilmaz, Andrew Marcus Smith, Carla Sebastian-Enesco, Alejandro Erut, Joan B. Silk
Templeton funded


Contemporaneity of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo erectus in South Africa
Andy I. R. Herries, Jesse M. Martin, A.B. Leece, Justin W. Adams, Giovanni Boschian, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, Tara R. Edwards, Tom Mallett, Jason Massey, Ashleigh Murszewski, Simon Neubauer, Robyn Pickering, David S. Strait, Brian J. Armstrong, Stephanie Baker, Matthew V. Caruana, Tim Denham, John Hellstrom, Jacopo Moggi-Cecchi, Simon Mokobane, Paul Penzo-Kajewski, Douglass S. Rovinsky, Gary T. Schwartz, Rhiannon C. Stammers, Coen Wlson, Jon Woodhead, Colin Menter


Australopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth
Science Advances
Philipp Gunz, Simon Neubauer, Dean Falk, Paul Tafforeau, Adeline LeCabec, Tanya M. Smith, William H. Kimbel, Fred Spoor, Zeresenay Alemseged


What the Baldwin Effect affects depends on the nature of plasticity
Thomas J. H. Morgan, Jordan W. Suchow, Thomas L. Griffiths


Shifts in male reproductive tactics over the life course in a ploygrynandrous mammal
Current Biology 
Joan B. Silk, Veronika Stadele, Eila K. Roberts, Linda Vigilant, Shirley C Strum


Investigating the evolution of human social learning through collaborative experimental archaeology 
Evolutionary Anthropology
Kathryn L. Ranhorn, Justin Pargeter, L.S. Premo, PaST Network Collaborators


Experimental evolutionary simulations of learning, memory and life history
Philosophical Transactions B
Thomas J.H. Morgan, Jordan W. Suchow, Thomas L. Griffiths


Human large-scale cooperation as a product of competition between cultural groups
Nature Communications
Carla Handley, Sarah Mathew


Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotopes of ostrich eggshells provide site-scale Pleistocene-Holocene paleoenvironmental records for eastern African archaeological sites
Quaternary Science Reviews, volume 230
E.M. Niespolo, W.D. Sharp, C.A. Tryon, J.T. Faith, J. Lewis, K. Ranhorn, S. Mambelli, M.J. Miller T.E. Dawson


Estratègies de recol·lecció de plantes i paleoambients durant la Middle Stone Age a Pinnacle Point (costa sud de Sud-àfrica): les anàlisis de fitòlits
Tribuna d'Arqueologia 2016-2017
Irene Esteban, Rosa Maria Albert, Dan Cabanes, Curtis W. Marean'Arqueologia_2016-2017


Fracture mechanics, enamel thickness and the evolution of molar form in hominins
Biology Letters
Gary T. Schwartz, Amanda McGrosky, David S. Strait


Cultural taxonomies in the Paleolithic—Old questions, novel perspectives
Evolutionary Anthropology
Felix Riede, et al, including Kathryn Ranhorn
DOI: 10.1002/evan.21819


By reverence, not fear: Prestige, religion, and autonomic regulation in the evolution of cooperation
Frontiers in Psychology
Hillary L. Lenfesty, Thomas J. H. Morgan


Geographically divergent evolutionary and ecological legacies shape mammal biodiversity in the global tropics and subtropics
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
John Rowan, Lydia Beaudrot, Janet Franklin, Kaye E Reed, Irene E Smail, Andrew Zamora, Jason M Kamilar


Downscaling Last Glacial Maximum climate over south Africa
Quaternary Science Reviews
12.15.2019, vol 226
Francois A Engelbecht et al, including Curtis W Marean


Oral microbiome diversity in chimpanzees from Gombe National Park
Nature Scientific Reports
Andrew T. Ozga, Ian Gilby, Rebecca S. Nockerts, Michael L. Wilson, Anne Pusey, Anne C. Stone


Discovery of cryptotephra at Middle-Upper Paleolithic sites Arma Veirana nd Riparo Bombrini, Italy: A new link for broader geographic correlations
Journal of Quaternary Science
Jayde N Hirniak, Eugene I Smith, Racheal Johnsen, Minghua Ren, Jamie Hodgkins, Caley Orr, Fabio Negrino, Julien Riel-Salvatore, Shelby Fitch, Christopher E Miller, Andrea Zeboni, Guido S Mariani, Jacob Harris, Claudine Gravel-Miguel, David Strait, Marco Peresani, Stefano Benazzi, Curtis W Marean


Ancient DNA reconstructs the genetic legacies of pre-contact Puerto Rico communities
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Maria A Nieves-Colon, William J Pestle, Austin W Reynolds, Bastien Llamas, Constanza de la Fuente, Kathleen Fowler, Katherine M Skerry, Edwin Crespo-Torres, Carlos D Bustamante, Anne C Stone


Geological collaboration at paleoanthropological sites in Ethiopia’s lower Awash Valley
Evolutionary Anthropology
10.06.2019, vol 28. 228–232
C J Campisano, Lower Awash Valley Workshop Participants


New Sivapithecus specimen from Ramnagar (Jammu and Kashmir), India and a taxonomic revision of Ramnagar hominoids
Journal of Human Evolution
Christopher C. Gilbert, Ramesh K. Sehgal, Kelsey D. Pugh, Christopher J. Campisano, Evangeline May, Biren A. Patel, Ningthoujam Premjit Singh, Rajeev Patnaik


Universal norm psychology leads to societal diversity in prosocial behavior and development
Nature Human Behavior
Bailey R. House, Joan B Silk et al


Describing a drowned Pleistocene ecosystem: Last Glacial Maximum vegetation reconstruction of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
Richard M Cowling, Alastair J Potts, Janet Franklin, Guy F Midgley, Francois Engelbrecht, Curtis W Marean


Pleistocene vertebrate tracksites on the Cape south coast of South Africa and their potential palaeoecological implications
Quaternary Science Reviews
Charles W Helm, Hayley C Cawthra, Richard M. Cowling, Jan C De Vynck, Martin G Lockley, Curtis W Marean, Guy H.H. Thesen, jan A Venter


Reply to Sahle and Gossa: Technology and geochronology at the earliest known Oldowan site at Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
David R Braun, Vera Aldeias, Will Archer, J Ramon Arrowsmith, Niguss Baraki, Christopher J Campisano, Alan L Keino, Erin N DiMaggio, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Blade Engda, David A Feary, Dominique I Garello, Zenash Kerfelew, Shannon P McPherron, David B Patterson, Jonathan S Reeves, Jessica C Thompson, Kaye E Reed


The foraging potential of the Holocene Cape south coast of South Africa without the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
Quaternary Science Reviews
Colin D. Wren, Susan Botha, Jan De Vynck, Marco A Janssen, Kim Hill, Eric Shook, Jacob A Harris, Brian M. Wood, Jan Ventr, Richard Cowling, Janet Franklin, Erich C. Fisher, Curtis Marean


Cultural variations in the Curse of Knowledge: The Curse of Knowledge bias in children from a nomadic pastoralist culture in Kenya
Journal of Cognition and Culture
08.07.2019 vol 19 (3/4) 366–384
Siba Ghrear, Maciej Chudek, Klint Fung, Sarah Mathew, Susan A Birch


Geological and soil maps of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain for the Last Glacial Maximum
Quaternary Science Reviews
Hayley C Cawthra, Richard M Cowling, Sergio Ando, Curtis W Marean


Comparison of climate and environment on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain to the Little Karoo (South Africa) in Marine Isotope Stages 3–5 as indicated by speleothems
Quaternary Science Reviews
Kerstin Braun, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Alan Matthews, Avner Ayalon, Tami Zilberman, Richard M Cowling, Erich C Fisher, Andy I R Herries, James S Brink, Curtis W Marean


Past and present distributions and community evolution of Muridae and Soricidae from MIS 9 to MIS 1 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (south coast, South Africa)
Quaternary Science Reviews
Thalassa Matthews, Curtis W Marean, Naomi Cleghorn


Identifying, understanding, and correcting technical artifacts on the sex chromosomes in next-generation sequencing data
07.2019 vol 8, issue 7
Timothy H Webster, Medline Couse, Bruno M Grande, Eric Karlins, Tanya N Phung, Phillip A Richmond, Whitney Whitford, Melissa A Wilson


The pregnancy pickle: Evolved immune compensation due to pregnancy underlies sex differences in human diseases
Trends in Genetics
Hieni Natri, Angela R. Gacia, Kenneth H. Buetow, Benjamin C. Trumble, Melissa A Wilson


The evolution of human cooperation
Current Biology
06.03.2019, vol 29 (11) PR447–R450
Coren L Apicella, Joan B Silk


Comparative isotopic evidence from East Turkana supports a dietary shift within the genus Homo
Nature Ecology and Evolution
David B. Patterson, David R. Braun, Kayla Allen, W. Andrew Barr, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Maryse Biernat, Sophie B. Lehmann, Tom Maddox, Frederick K. Manthi, Stephen R. Merritt, Sarah E Morris, Kaedan O’Brien, Jonathan S. Reeves, Bernard A Wood, Rene Bobe


The lineages of the first humans to reach northeastern Siberia and the Americas
Nature: News and Views
Anne C Stone


Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at >2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
David R. Braun, Vera Aldeias, Will Archer, J Ramon Arrowsmith, Niguss Baraki, Christopher J. Campisano, Alan L. Deino, Erin N. DiMaggio, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Blade Engda, David A. Feary, Dominique I. Garello, Zenash Kerfelew, Shannon P. McPherron, David B. Patterson, Jonathan S. Reeves, Jessica C. Thompson, and Kaye E. Reed


Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees
Current Biology
Martin Surbeck, Christophe Boesch, Catherine Crockford, Klaus Zuberbuhler, Linda Vigilant, Kevin Langergraber


Increased variation in numbers of presacral vertebrae in suspensory mammals
Nature: Ecology & Evolution
Scott A. Williams, Jeffrey K. Spear, Lauren Petrullo, Deanna M. Goldstein, Amanda B. Lee, Amy L. Peterson, Danielle A miano, Elska B Kaczmarek, Milena R. Shattuck


Hyena politics: The dynamics of dynasties
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
04.30.2019, vol 116 (18) 8644–8645
Joan B Silk


The evolutionary history of the human face
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Rodrigo S. Lacruz, Chris B. Stringer, William H. Kimbel, Bernard Wood, Katerina Harvati, Paul O’Higgins, Timothy G. Bromage, Juan-Luis Arsuaga


Evidence for increased hominid diversity in the Early-Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia
Nature: Ecology & Evolution
Clement Zanoli et al, including Jay Kelley


Causal understanding is not necessary for the improvement of culturally evolving technology
Nature Human Behavior
Maxime Derex, Jean-Francois Bennofon, Robert Boyd, Alex Mesoudi image and video links


The life history of human foraging: Cross-cultural and individual variation
Jeremy Koster et al, including Kim Hill (42 coauthors)


Quaternary history of the Lake Magadi Basin, southern Kenya Rift: Tectonic and climatic controls
Palaeogeography, Paleaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
03.15.2019, vol 518, 97–118
R Berhart Owen, Robin W Renaut, Veronica M Muiruri, Nathan M Rabideaux, Tim K. Lowenstein, Emma P McNulty, Kennie Leet, Daniel Deocampo, Shangde Luo, Alan L. Deino, Andrew Cohen, Mark J. Sier, Christopher Campisano, Chun-Chou Shen, Anne Billingsley, Anthrony Mbuthia, Mona Stockhecke


Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity
Hjalmar S. Kuhl et al, including Kevin Langergraber and Kevin Lee
DOI: 10.1126/science.aau4532


Moralizing gods, impartiality and religious parochialism across 15 societies
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Martin Lange, et al, including Carla Handley, Sarah Mathew


Palaeoenvironments and plant availability during MIS 6 to MIS 3 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (south coast, South Africa) as indicated by phytolith analysis at Pinnacle Point
Quaternary Science Reviews
Irene Esteban, Curtis W Marean, Richard M Cowling, Erich C Fisher, Dan Cabanes, Rosa M Albert


The efficacy of whole human genome capture on ancient dental calculus and dentin
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
03.2019, vol 168 (3), 496–509
Kirsten A Ziesemer et al, including Andrew T Ozga, Anne Stone


An agent-based approach to weighted decision making in the spatially and temporally variable South African palaeoscape
SocArXiv Papers
Colin Wren, Chloe Atwater, Kim Hill, Marco Janssen, Jan de Vynck, Curtis W Marean



Origins of the human predatory pattern: The transition to large-animal exploitation by early hominins
Current Anthropology
Jessica C. Thompson, Susana Carvalho, Curtis W. Marean, Zeresenay Alemseged


Male-female relationships in olive baboons (Papio anubis): Parenting or mating effort?
Journal of Human Evolution vol 127, 81–92
Veronika Stadele, Eila R. Roberts, Brenda J. Barrett, Shirley C. Strum, Linda Vigilant, Joan B. Silk


Rapid evolution of a skin-lightening allele in southern African KhoeSan
Meng Lin, Rebecca L. Siford, et al.


Tragedy revisited
Science (Policy Forum)
Robert Boyd, Pete J. Richerson, Ruth Meinzen-Dick, et al.


Agent-based least-cost path analysis and the diffusion of Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian engraved scapulae
Journal of Archaeological Science vol 99: 1–9
Claudine Gravel-Miguel, Colin D. Wren


Late Pleistocene records of speleothem stable isotopic compositions from Pinnacle Point on the South African south coast
Quaternary Research 
Kerstin Braun, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Alan Matthews, Avner Ayalon, Erich C. Fisher, Kelsey Dyez, Tami Zilberman, Curtis W. Marean


Progressive aridification in East Africa over the last half million years and implications for human evolution
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
R. Bernhart Owen, Veronica M. Muiruri, Tim K. Lowenstein, Robin W. Renaut, Nathan Rabideaux, Shangde Luo, Alan L. Deino, Mark J. Sier, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Emma P. McNulty, Kennie Leet, Andrew Cohen, Christopher Campisano, Daniel Deocampo, Chuan-Chou S
UA Eurekalert release:
HKBU Eurekalert release:


The role of dietary competition in the origination and early diversification of North American euprimates
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol 285, issue 1884
Laura K. Stroik, Gary T. Schwartz
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1230


Social information can potentiate understanding despite inhibiting cognitive effort
Nature: Scientific Reports
Maxime Derex, Robert Boyd


New genus of extinct Holocene gibbon associated with humans in Imperial China
Science, vol 360, 6395:136–1349
Samuel T. Turvey, Kristoffer Bruun, Alejandra Ortiz, James Hansford, Songmei Hu, Yan Ding, Tianen Zhang, Helen J. Chatterjee


Quality versus quantity: Do weak bonds enhance the fitness of female baboons?
Animal Behaviour vol 140: 207–211
Joan B. Silk, Robert M. Seyfarth, Dorothy L. Cheney


Evo-devo models of tooth development and the origin of hominoid molar diversity
Science Advances vol 4, no. 4
Alejandra Ortiz, Shara E. Bailey, Gary T. Schwartz, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Matthew Skinner
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aar2334


Divide and conquer: Intermediate levels of population fragmentation maximize cultural accumulation
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Maxime Derex, Charles Perreault, Robert Boyd


The timing and causes of a unique chimpanzee community fission preceding Gombe’s “Four-year war”
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Joseph T. Feldblum, Sofie Manfredi, Ian C. Gilby, Anne E. Pusey


Humans thrived in South Africa through the Toba eruption about 74,000 years ago
Nature 555: 511–515
Eugene I. Smith, Zenobia Jacobs, Racheal Johnsen, Minghua Ren, Erich C. Fisher, Simen Oestmo, Jayne Wilkoms, Jacob A. Harris, Panagiotis Karkanas, Shelby Fitch, Amber Ciravolo, Deborah Keenan, Naomi Cleghorn, Christine S. Lane, Thalassa Mathews, Curtis W. Marean



A new Pleistocene hominin tracksite from the Cape South Coast, South Africa
Nature: Scientific Reports
Charles W. Helm, Richard T. McCrea, Hayley C. Cawthra, Martin G. Lockley, Richard M. Cowling, Curtis W. Marean, Guy H.H. Thesen, Tammy S. Pigeon Sinead Hattingh
doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22059-5


Meat eating by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii): Effects of prey age on carcass consumption sequence
International Journal of Primatology
Ian C. Gilby, Daniel Wawrzyniak


Engraved ostrich eggshell from Middle Stone Age context of Goda Buticha, Ethiopia
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17: 723–729
Zalalem Assefa, Asfawossen Asrat, Erella Hovers, Yin Lam, Osbjorn Pearson, David Pleurdeau


Human mate-choice copying is domain-general social learning
Nature: Scientific Reports
Sally E. Street, Thomas J.H. Morgan, Alex Thornton, Gillian R. Brown, Kevin N. Laland, Catharine P. Cross


Archaeology may help climate-change adaptation
Environmental Research Web
Kerstin Braun


Ardipithecus ramidus and the evolution of the human cranial base
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
William Kimbel, Gena Suwa, Berhane Asfaw, Yoel Rak, Tim White
August 2017.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1322639111 | View article in PNAS (link is external)

Diet of Australopithecus afarensis from the Pliocene Hadar Formation, Ethiopia. Jonathan G. Wynn, Matt Sponheimer, William H. Kimbel, Zeresenay Alemseged, Kaye Reed, Zelalem K. Bedaso, and Jessica N. Wilson. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 110 no. 26 . August 2017.
| View article in PNAS (link is external)

Ancient pathogen genomics: Insights into timing and adaptation. K Harkins, AC Stone. Journal of Human Evolution 79: 137–149. August 2017.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.11.002 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Pre-Columbian tuberculosis in Tierra del Fuego? Paleopathologies and molecular evidence for discussion. RA Guichon, JE Buikstra, AC Stone, KM Harkins, JA Suby, M Massone, Iglesias A Preito, AK Wilbur, F Constantinescu, Martin C Rodriguez. International Journal of Paleopathology vol 11: 92–101. August 2017.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpp.2015.09.003 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

The most invasive species of all. Curtis W. Marean. Scientific American Volume 313, Issue 2: 32–39. August 2017.
| View article on Scientific American (link is external)


Climate-mediated shifts in Neandertal subsistence behaviors at Pech de l’Aze IV and Roc de Marsal (Dordogne Valley, France). Jamie Hodgkins, Curtis W Marean, Alain Turq, Dennis Sandgathe, Shannon JP McPherron, Harold Dibble. Journal of Human Evolution 96: 1–8. May 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.03.009 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Evolution: Taxonomies of cognition. Joan Silk. Nature 532: 176. April 2016.
DOI: 10.1038/532176a | View article in Nature (link is external) | Download PDF

Strontium isotope investigation of ungulate movement patterns on the Pleistocene Paleo-Agulhas Plain of the Greater Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Sandi R. Copeland, Hayley C. Cawthra, Erich C. Fisher, Julia A. Lee-Thorp, Richard M. Cowling, Petrus J. le Roux, Jamie Hodgkins, Curtis W. Marean. Quaternary Science Reviews 141: 65–84. April 2016.
DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)
The John Templeton Foundation (2014-18)

Cultural history, not ecological environment, is the main determinant of human behavior. Sarah Mathew, Charles Perreault. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1826). March 2016.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0177 | View article on Royal Society (link is external) | Download PDF

Successful enrichment and recovery of whole mitochondrial genomes from ancient human dental calculus. AT Ozga, MA Nieves-Colon, TP Honap, K Sankaranaryanan, CA Hoffman, GR Milner, CM Lewis, AC Stone, C Warinner. American Journal of Physical Anthropology . March 2016.
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22960 | View abstract (link is external)

Partial connectivity increases cultural accumulation within groups. Maxime Derex, Rob Boyd. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 113 no. 11 . March 2016.
DOI: 10.173/pnas.1518798113 | View article in PNAS (link is external)
The John Templeton Foundation (2014-18)

Are isolated indigenous populations headed toward extinction? RS Walker, DC Kessler, KR Hill. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150987. March 2016.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150987 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on PLOS (link is external)

Return rates from intertidal foraging from Blombos Cave to Pinnacle Point: Understanding early human economies. Jan C. DeVynck, Robert Anderson, Chloe Atwater, Richard M. Cowling, Erich C. Fisher, Curtis W. Marean, Robert S. Walker, Kim Hill. Journal of Human Evolution 92: 101–115. March 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.01.008 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)
The John Templeton Foundation (2014-18)

Phylogenomic reconstruction supports supercontinent origins for Leishmania. KM Harkinds, RS Schwartz, RA Cartwright, AC Stone. Infection, Genetics, and Evolution 38: 101–109. March 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2015.11.030 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

A simple rule governs the evolution and development of hominin tooth size. Alistair R. Evans, E. Susanne Daly, Kierstin K. Catlett, Kathleen S. Paul, Stephen J. King, Matthew M. Skinner, Hans P. Nesse, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Grant C. Townsend,Gary T. Schwartz, Jukka Jernvall. Nature vol 530: 477–480. February 2016.
DOI: 10.1038/nature16972 | View article in Nature (link is external) | Download PDF
The John Templeton Foundation (2014-18)

The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Inferring the environmental context of human evolution from eastern African rift lake deposits. Cohen, A., Campisano, C., Arrowsmith, R., Asrat, A., Behrensmeyer, A. K., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Hill, A., Johnson, R., Kingston, J., Lamb, H., Lowenstein, T., Noren, A., Olago, D., Owen, R. B., Potts, R., Reed, K., Renaut, R., et al (61 Authors). Scientific Drilling 21: 1–16. February 2016.
DOI: 10.5194/sd-21-1-2016 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on Scientific Drilling (link is external)

Seasonal availability of edible underground and aboveground carbohydrate resources to human foragers on the Cape south coast, South Africa. Jan C. De Vynck, Richard Cowling, Alastair J. Potts, Curtis W. Marean. PeerJ . February 2016.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1679 DOI Link (link is external) | View article in PeerJ (link is external)
The John Templeton Foundation (2014-18)

Infant mortality risk and paternity certainty are associated with postnatal maternal behavior toward adult male mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei geringei). S Rosenbaum, JP Hirwa, JB Silk, L Vigilant, TS Soinski. PLoS ONE 11 (2): e0147441. February 2016.
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Age-related changes in molar topography and shearing crest length in a wild population of mountain gorillas from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. Halszka Glowacka, Shannon C. McFarlin, Kierstin K. Catlett, Antoine Mudakikwa, Timothy G. Bromage, Michael R. Cranfield, Tara S. Stoinski, Gary T. Schwartz. Journal of Physical Anthropology . February 2016.
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22943 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

Characterization of obsidian from the Tibetan Plateau by SRF and NAA. C Perreault, MT Boulanger, AM Hudson, D Rhode, DB Madsen, JW Olsen, ML Steffen, J Quade, MD Glascock, PJ Brantingham. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5: 392–399. February 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.12.009 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Relationships between adult male and maturing mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei geringei) persist across developmental stages and social upheaval. S Rosenbaum, JP Hirwa, JB Silk, TS Stoinski. Ethology 122 (2): 134–150. February 2016.
DOI: 10.1111/eth.12457 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

Animal Behaviour: Friendship enhances trust in chimpanzees. JB Silk. Current Biology 26 (2): R76–78. January 2016.
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.030 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external) 
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The evolution of altruistic social preferences in human groups. Joan B. Silk, Bailey R. House. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 371 (1687). January 2016.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0097 | View article on Royal Society (link is external) 

A simple rule for the evolution of contingent cooperation in large groups. RH Schonmann, R Boyd. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371: 1687. January 2016.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0099 | View article on Royal Society (link is external) 

Cranial vault thickness in fossil hominins: Does Homo erectus have uniquely thick vault bones? L Copes, W Kimbel. Journal of Human Evolution 90:120–134. January 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.08.008 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Reproductive state and rank influence patterns of meat consumption in wild female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). RC O’Malley, MA Stanton, IC Gilby, EV Lonsdorf, A Pusey, A Markham, CM Murray. Journal of Human Evolution 90: 16–28. January 2016.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.09.009 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)


Variability of innate immune system genes in Native American populations—relationship with history and epidemiology. JD-R Lindenau, FM Salzano, AM Hurtado, KR Hill, ML Petzl-Erler, LT Tsuneto, MH Hutz. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159: 722–728. December 2015.
DOI: DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22917 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external) 

Tephrostratigraphy and depositional environment of young (<2.94 Ma) Hadar Formation deposits at Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia. EN DiMaggio, JR Arrowsmith, CJ Campisano, R Johnson, AL Deino, M Warren, S Fisseha, AS Cohen. Journal of African Earth Science 112: 234–250. December 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.09.018 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

The Pinnacle Point shell midden complex: A high resolution mid- to late Holocene record of later Stone Age coastal foraging along the Southern Cape coast of South Africa. James R. McGrath, Naomi Cleghorn, Betina Gennari, Struan Henderson, Katharine Kyriacou, Cindy Nelson-Viljoen, Peter Nilssen, Leesha Richardson, Christopher Shelton, Jayne Wilkins, Curtis W. Marean. South African Archaeological Bulletin 70: 209-219. December 2015.
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Validation of qPCR methods for the detection of Mycobacterium in New World animal reservoirs. G Housman, V Boere, AD Gravitol, J Malukiewicz, LCM Pereira, e Silva I de Oliverira, CR Ruiz-Miranda, R Truman, AC Stone. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases . November 2015.
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Microdemographic determinants of population recovery among the Northern Ache. JD Baker, K Hill, AM Hurtado, A Alcantara, E Hunsinger, W Sprague. Human Biology 87 (1): 5–18. November 2015.
DOI: 10.13110/humanbiology.87.1.0005 | View abstract (link is external)

Leadership in mammalian societies: Emergence, distribution, power, and payoff. Jennifer E. Smith, Sergey Gavrilets, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Paul L. Hooper, Claire El Mouden, Daniel Nettle, Christoph Hauert, Kim Hill, Susan Perry, Anne E. Pusey, Mark van Vugt, Eric Alden Smith. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(1): 13–26. November 2015.
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‘Impact hunters’ catalyse cooperative hunting in two wild chimpanzee communities. Ian Gilby, Zarin P. Machanda, Deus C. Mjungu, Jeremiah Rosen, Martin N. Muller, Anne E. Pusey, and Richard W. Wrangham. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B . October 2015.
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The big man mechanism: How prestige fosters cooperation and creates prosocial leaders. J Henrich, M Chudek, R Boyd. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 (1683). October 2015.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0013 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)
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An evolutionary anthropological perspective on modern human origins. Curtis W. Marean. Annual Review of Anthropology 44: 533–556. October 2015.
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Reasoning about cultural and genetic transmission: Developmental and cross-cultural evidence from Peru, Fiji, and the United States on how people make inferences about trait transmission. C Moya, R Boyd, J Henrich. Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4): 595–610. September 2015.
DOI: 10.1111/tops.12163 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

The foundations of the human cultural niche. Maxime Derex, Rob Boyd. Nature Communications Vol 6, article #8398. September 2015.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9398 | View article in Nature (link is external)
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Mortality from contact-related epidemics among indigenous populations in Greater Amazonia. R Walker, L Sattenspiel, K. Hill. Scientific Reports 5: 14032. September 2015.
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Taphonomy of fossils from the hominin-bearing deposits at Dikika, Ethiopia. Jessica Thompson, Shannon McPherron, Rene Bobe, Denne Reed, W. Andrew Barr, Jonathan Wynn, Curtis Marean, Denis Geraads, Zeresenay Alemseged. Journal of Human Evolution 85: 112–135. September 2015.
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Defining the genus Homo. Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Ian Tattersall. Science vol 349, 6251: 931–932. August 2015.
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Lemur biorhythms and life history evolution. Russell Hogg, Laurie Godfrey, Gary Schwartz, Wendy Dirks, Timothy Bromage. PLOS One . August 2015.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134210 | View article on Science (link is external)

Interpreting human behavior from depositional rates and combustion features through the study of sedimentary microfacies at site Pinnacle Point 5–6, South Africa. P. Karkanas, K.S. Brown, E.C. Fisher, Z. Jacobs, C.W. Marean. Journal of Human Evolution 85: 1–21. August 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.04.006 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Unpaid researchers: Fieldwork grants would up diversity. Joan Silk. Nature 523: 158. July 2015.
DOI: 10.1038/523158b | View article in Nature (link is external)

Paleoscape model of coastal South Africa during modern human origins: Progress in scaling and coupling climate, vegetation, and agent-based models on XSEDE. Eric Shook, Colin D. Wren, Curtis W. Marean, Alastair J. Potts, Janet Franklin, Francois Engelbrecht, David O’Neal, et al.. Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment . July 2015.
DOI: 10.1145/2792745.2792747 | View abstract (link is external)
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Social bonds in the dispersing sex: Partner preferences among adult female chimpanzees. Steffen Foerster, Karen McLellan, Kara Schroepfer-Walker, Carson M. Murray, Christopher Krupenye, Ian C. Gilby, Anne E. Pusey. Animal Behaviour vol 105, 139–152. July 2015.
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Third-party monitoring and sanctions aid the evolution of language. Robert Boyd, Sarah Mathew. Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (6): 475–479. June 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2015.06.002 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)
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Behavioural variation in 172 small-scale societies indicates that social learning is the main mode of human adaptation. Sarah Mathew, Charles Perrault. Proceedings of the Royal Society B . June 2015.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0061 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)
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A composite genome approach to identify phylogenetically informative data from next-generation sequencing. RS Schwartz, KM Harkins, AC Stone, RA Cartwright. BMC Bioinformatics 16:193. June 2015.
DOI: 10.1186/s12859-015-0632-y | View article in BMC Bioinformatics (link is external)

Natural and anthropogenic hybridization in two species of eastern Brazilian marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata). J Malukiewicz, V Boere, L Fuzessy, AD Grativol, IO Silva, LCM Pereira, CR Ruiz-Miranda, YM Valenca, and AC Stone. PLOS One . June 2015.
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Protecting isolated tribes. R. Walker, K. Hill. Science vol 348, issue 6239: 1061. June 2015.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aac6540 | View article on Science (link is external)

Male rank, not paternity, predicts male-immature relationships in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei geringei). S Rosenbaum, JP Hirwa, JB Silk, L Vigilant, TS Stoinski. Animal Behaviour 104: 13–24. June 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.02.025 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Submerged shorelines and landscape features offshore of Mossel Bay, South Africa. HC Cawthra, JS Compton, EC Fisher, CW Marean; edited by J Harff, G Bailey, F Lüth. Geology and Archaeology: Submerged landscapes of the continental shelf Special Publication of the Geological Society of London 411, 219–233. May 2015.
DOI: 10.1144/SP411.11 | View article at Geological Society of London (link is external)

Social learning and the replication process: An experimental investigation. Maxime Derex, Romain Feron, Bernard Godelle, Michel Raymond. Proceedings of the Royal Society B . May 2015.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0719 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)
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Solving the puzzle of human warfare requires an explanation of battle raids and cultural institutions. MR Zefferman, R Baldini, Sarah Mathew. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (20): E2557. May 2015.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1504458112 | View article in PNAS (link is external)

Technical considerations and methodology for creating high-resolution, color-corrected, and georectified photomosaics of stratigraphic sections at archaeological sites. E.C. Fisher, D. Akkaynak, J. Harris, A.I.R. Herries, Z. Jacobs, P. Karkanas, C.W. Marean, J.R. McGrath. Journal of Archaeological Science 57: 380–394. May 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.02.022 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Diurnal variation in salivary cortisol across age classes in Ache Amerindian males of Paraguay. D Amir, PT Ellison, KR Hill, RG Bribiescas. American Journal of Human Biology 27 (3): 344–348. May 2015.
DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22645 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

A new research strategy for integrating studies of paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and paleoanthropology. Curtis W. Marean, Kierstin Braun, Erich Fisher, Janet Franklin, Kim Hill, Marco Janssen et al. Evolutionary Anthropology 24: 62–72 (2015). April 2015.
DOI: 10.1002/evan.21443 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

An evolutionary theory of large-scale human warefare: Group-structured cultural selection. Matthew R Zefferman, Sarah Mathew. Evolutionary Anthropology 24 (2): 50–61.. April 2015.
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Climate and species richness predict the phylogenetic structure of African mammal communities. J. Kamilar, L. Beaudrot, K. Reed. PLOS One e0121808. April 2015.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121808 | View article on PLOS (link is external)

Genetic analyses suggest male philopatry and territoriality in savanna-woodland chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Ugalla, Tanzania. DL Moore, KE Langergraber, L Vigilant. International Journal of Primatology 36 (2), 377–397. March 2015.
DOI: 10.1007/s10764-015-9830-8 DOI Link (link is external) | View on Springer Link (link is external)

Early Homo at 2.8 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia. B. Villmoare, W.H. Kimbel, C. Seyoum, C.J. Campisano, E.N. DiMaggio, J. Rowan, D.R. Braun, J.R. Arrowsmith, K.E. Reed. Science 347, 1352–1355. March 2015.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa1343 | View article on Science (link is external)

Late Pliocene fossiliferous sedimentary record and the environmental context of early Homo from Afar, Ethiopia. E.N DiMaggio, C.J. Campisano, J. Rowan, G. Dupont-Nivet, A.L. Deino, F. Bibi, M. Lewis, A. Souron, L. Werdelin, K.E. Reed, J.R. Arrowsmith. Science 347, 1355–1359. March 2015.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa1415 | View article on Science (link is external)

Different selection pressures give rise to distinct ethnic phenomena: A functionalist framework with illustrations from the Peruvian Altiplano. C Moya, R Boyd. Human Nature 26 (1): 1–27. March 2015.
DOI: 10.1007/s12110-015-9224-9 | View on Springer Link (link is external)

Determinants of social preferences among female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. S. Foerster, K. Mclellan, K. Schroepfer-Walker, C. M. Murray, C. Krupenye,I. C. Gilby, & A. E. Pusey.. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 135-135. March 2015.

Rank and reproductive state as predictors of female faunivory in Kasekela chimpanzees. R.C. O'Malley, M.A. Stanton,I. C. Gilby, E. V. Lonsdorf, A. Pusey, A.C. Markham, & C.M. Murray. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 240-240. March 2015.

Autosomal Admixture in Natural and Anthropogenic Hybrids of Two Species of Eastern Brazilian Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata). J. Malukiewicz, V. Boere, A. D. Grativol, I.O. Silva, L. Pereira, C.R. Ruiz-Miranda, & A. C. Stone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 212-212. March 2015.

Chimpanzee hand-clasp grooming, a socially learned tradition, as a marker of social relationship. R.W. Wrangham, Z.P. Machanda, A. Bernard, R. Donovan, I. Gilby, J. Rosen, & M. Muller. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 327-327. March 2015.

Comparison of aDNA yields from calculus and tooth roots in pre-Columbian skeletal remains. M.A. Nieves-Colon,A. Ozga, T.P. Honap, W. J. Pestle, C. Warinner, & A. C. Stone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 236-236. March 2015.

Genome-wide DNA methylation variation in baboon bone and cartilage. Genevieve A. Housman, Lorena M. Havill, and Anne C. Stone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156. March 2015.

Inter-individual variation in communal hunting in three wild chimpanzee communities. I. C. Gilby, Z. P. Machanda, D.C. Mjungu, M. N. Muller, A. E. Pusey, & R. W. Wrangham. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 144-145. March 2015.

Investigating the presence of mycobacterial pathogens in New World primates. T. P. Honap,G. Housman, G. Erkenswick, J. Malukiewicz, V. Boere, L.C. Machado-Pereira,... & A.C. Stone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 169-169. March 2015.

The adaptive value of male relationships in the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park, Tanzania. J. T. Feldblum, C. Krupenye, E. E. Wroblewski, R. S. Rudicell, B. H. Hahn, A. E. Pusey, & I. C. Gilby. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 156, pp. 131-131. March 2015.

Paleodistribution modeling in archaeology and paleoanthropology. J. Franklin, Alastair Potts, Erich Fisher, Richard Cowling, and Curtis W. Marean. Quaternary Science Reviews 110: 1–14. February 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.12.015 | View article on ScienceDirect (link is external)

Are evolutionary views of human warfare converging? A review of war, peace, and human nature: The convergence of evolutionary and cultural views. Sarah Mathew Douglas P. Fry. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution 6 . January 2015.
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How Humans Evolved. Robert Boyd, J.B. Silk. January 2015.


Screening ancient tuberculosis with qPCR: Challenges and opportunities. KM Harkins, JE Buikstra, T Campbell, KI Bos, ED Johnson, J Krause, AC Stone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370: 1660. December 2014.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0622 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)

Sexually coercive male chimpanzees sire more offspring. Joseph T. Feldblum1, Emily E. Wroblewski, Rebecca S. Rudicell, Beatrice H. Hahn, Thais Paiva, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Anne E. Pusey, Ian C. Gilby. Current Biology . December 2014.
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The origins and significance of coastal resource use in Africa and Western Eurasia. Curtis W. Marean. Journal of Human Evolution . December 2014.
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A Middle Stone Age paleoscape near the Pinnacle Point caves, Vleesbaai, South Africa. S. Oestmo, B.J. Schoville, J.Wilkins, C.W. Marean . Quaternary International . November 2014.
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Relatedness, co-residence, and shared fatherhood Among Ache foragers of Paraguay. Ryan M. Ellsworth, Drew H. Bailey, Kim R. Hill, Ana M. Hurtado, Robert S. Walker. Current Anthropology Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 647-653 . October 2014.
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The Omo Mursi Formation: A window into the East African Pliocene. Michelle S.M. Drapeau, Rene Bobe, Jonathan G. Wynn, Christopher Campisano, Laurence Dumouchel, Denis Geraads. Journal of Human Evolution . October 2014.
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Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. Michael Wilson et al; Ian Gilby coauthor. Nature 513, 414–417. September 2014.
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News & Views: Animal behavior: The evolutionary roots of lethal conflict. Joan B. Silk. Nature 513, 321–322. September 2014.
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An experimental investigation of the functional hypothesis and evolutionary advantage of stone-tipped spears. Jayne Wilkins, Benjamin Schoville, Kyle Brown. PLoS ONE . August 2014.
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Benefits from grouping and cooperative hunting among Ache hunter-gatherers: Insights from an agent-based foraging model. Marco A. Janssen, Kim Hill. Journal of Human Ecology Volume 42, Issue 6, pp 823–835. August 2014.
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Cytokine gene polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in an Amerindian population. Juliana Dalri Lindenau, Luciano Guimarães, Deise C Friedrich, A Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Francisco M Salzano, Mara Helena Hutz. International Journal of Tuberculosis Lung Disease . August 2014.
DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.14.0060 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on PubMed (link is external)

Causes, consequences, and kin bias of human group fissions. Robert S. Walker, Kim R. Hill. Human Nature Volume 25, Issue 4, pp 465–475. July 2014.
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Inter-band Interaction among hunter-gatherers may explain cumulative culture. K. Hill, B. Wood, J. Baggio, A.M. Hurtado, R. Boyd. PLOS One . July 2014.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102806 DOI Link (link is external) | View article on PLOS (link is external)

Geochronological and taxonomic revisions of the Middle Eocene Whistler Squat Quarry (Devil’s Graveyard Formation, Texas) and implications for the Early Uintan in Trans-Peco Texas. Chris Campisano, E. Christopher Kirk, K.E. Beth Townsend, Alan L. Deino. PLOS One . July 2014.
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Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos. J.L. Arsuaga, et al. Science . June 2014.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1253958 | View article on Science (link is external)

Fitness consequences of spousal relatedness in 46 small-scale societies. Drew H. Bailey, Kim R. Hill, Robert S. Walker. Biology Letters . May 2014.
DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0160 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)

African primate assemblages exhibit a latitudinal gradient in dispersal limitation. L. Beaudrot, J.M. Kamilar, A.J. Marshall, K.E. Reed. International Journal of Primatology Volume 35, Issue 6, pp 1088–1104. April 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/s10764-014-9773-5 DOI Link (link is external) | View on Springer Link (link is external)


Juvenile hominoid cranium from the terminal Miocene of Yunnan, China. XuePing Ji, Nina G. Jablonski, Denise F Su, ChengLong Deng, Lawrence J. Flynn, YouShan You, Jay Kelley. Chinese Science Bulletin Volume 58, Issue 31, pp 3771–3779. September 2013.
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Isotopic evidence of early hominin diets. Matt Sponheimer, Zeresenay Alemseged, Thure E. Cerling, Frederick E. Grine, William H. Kimbel, Meave G. Leakey, Julia A. Lee-Thorp, Fredrick Kyalo Manthi, Kaye E. Reed, Bernard A. Wood, and Jonathan G. Wynn. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 110 no. 26 . June 2013.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222579110 | View article in PNAS (link is external)

Hesitation on hominin history. William H. Kimbel. Nature: News & Views 497 (573–4). May 2013.
DOI: 10.1038/497573a | View article in Nature (link is external)

Paleoanthropologically significant South African sea caves dated to 1.0 million years using a combination of U-Pb, TT-OSL and palaeomagnetism. Robyn Pickering, Zenobia Jacobs, Andy I.R. Herries, Panagiotis Karkanas, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Jon D. Woodhead, Peter Kappen, Erich Fisher, Curtis W. Marean. Quaternary Science Reviews 65 (39–52). April 2013.
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Pliocene Giraffidae (Mammalia) from the Hadar Formation of Hadar and Ledi-Geraru, Lower Awash, Ethiopia. D. Geraads, K. Reed, R. Bobe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 (470–481). March 2013.
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The Paleobiology of Australopithecus. Kaye E. Reed, John G. Fleagle, Richard E. Leakey (editors). January 2013.


Growth, development, and life history throughout the evolution of Homo. Gary T. Schwartz. Current Anthropology 53 (S6) S395–S408. December 2012.
DOI: 10.1086/667591 | View article on JSTOR (link is external)

Life-history inference in the early hominins Australopithecus and Paranthropus. J. Kelley and G.T. Schwartz. International Journal of Primatology 33: 6 (1332–1363). December 2012.
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Melting ice sheets 400,000 years ago raised sea level by 13 m: past analogue for future trends. D. L. Roberts, P. Karkanas, Z. Jacobs, C. W. Marean, R. G. Roberts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357–358 (226–237). December 2012.
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Evidence for early hafted hunting technology. Jayne Wilkins, Benjamin J. Schoville, Kyle S. Brown, Michael Chazan . Science 338: 6109 (942–946). November 2012.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1227608 | View article on Science (link is external)

New perspectives on middle Pleistocene change in the large mammal faunas of East Africa: Damaliscus hypsodon sp. nov. (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Lainyamok, Kenya. J.T. Faith, R. Potts, T.W. Plummer, L.C. Bishop, C.W. Marean, C.A. Tryon. . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 361–362 (84–93). November 2012.
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An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in South Africa. Kyle S. Brown, Curtis W. Marean, Zenobia Jacobs, Benjamin J. Schoville, Simen Oestmo, Erich C. Fisher, Jocelyn Bernatchez, Panagiotis Karkanas, and Thalassa Matthews. Nature 491 (590–593). November 2012.
DOI: 10.1038/nature11660 | View article in Nature (link is external)

The enigmatic molar from Gondolin South Africa: Implications for Paranthropus paleobiology. F.E. Grine, R. Jacobs, K.E. Reed, M. Plavcan. Journal of Human Evolution 63 (597–609). October 2012.
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Variation in personality and fitness in wild female baboons. R,M. Seyfarth, J.B. Silk, D.L. Cheney. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109 (16980–16985). October 2012.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1210780109 | View article in PNAS (link is external)

Evidence for intra-sexual selection in wild female baboons. D.L. Cheney, J.B. Silk, R.M. Seyfarth . Animal Behaviour 84:1 (21–27). July 2012.
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On the industrial attributions of the Aterian and Mousterian of the Maghreb. Harold L. Dibble, Vera Aldeias, Zenobia Jacobs, Deborah I. Olszewski, Zeljko Rezek, Sam C. Lin, Esteban Alvarez-Fernández, Carolyn C. Barshay-Szmidt, Emily Hallett-Desguez, Denné Reed, Kaye Reed, Daniel Richter, Teresa E. Steele, Anne Skinner, Bonnie Blac. Journal of Human Evolution Volume 63, Issue 1. July 2012.
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The exploitation of plant resources by early Homo sapiens: The phytolith record from Pinnacle Point 13B Cave, South Africa. Rosa Albert and C.W. Marean. International Journal of Geoarchaeology 27: 4 (363–384). July 2012.
DOI: 10.1002/gea.21413 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)

Stability of partner choice among female baboons. J.B. Silk, S.C. Alberts, J. Altmann, D.L. Cheney, R.M. Seyfarth. Animal Behaviour 83:6 (1511–1518). June 2012.
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New postcranial fossils of Australopithecus afarensis from Hadar, Ethiopia. Carol V. Ward, William H. Kimbel, Elizabeth H. Harmon, Donald C. Johanson. Journal of Human Evolution 63 (1–51. May 2012.
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News & Views: Human reproductive assistance. Kim Hill and A. Magdalena Hurtado. Nature 483 (160–161). March 2012.
DOI: 10.1038/483160a | View article in Nature (link is external)

The ontogeny of human prosociality: behavioral experiments with children aged 3 to 8. B.R. House, J. Henrich, S.F. Brosnan, J.B. Silk . Evolution and Human Behavior 33:4 (291–308). March 2012.
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Geological summary of the Busidima Formation (Plio-Pleistocene) at the Hadar Paleoanthropological Site, Afar Depression, Ethiopia. Chris Campisano. Journal of Human Evolution 62 (338–352). March 2012.
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Growth and the development of sexual size dimorphism in lorises and galagos. M.T. O’Mara, A.D. Gordon, K.C. Catlett, C.J. Terranova, G.T. Schwartz. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147:1 (11–20). January 2012.
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.21600 | View article on PubMed (link is external)

Milankovitch cycles, paleoclimatic change, and hominin evolution. Chris Campisano. Nature Education Knowledge 4(3):5. January 2012.
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New excavations at the site of Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco. Harold L. Dibble, Vera Aldeias, Esteban Alvarez-Fernández, Bonnie A.B. Blackwell, Emily Hallett-Desguez, Zenobia Jacobs, Paul Goldberg, Sam C. Lin, André Morala, Michael C. Meyer, Deborah I. Olszewski, Kaye Reed, et al.. PaleoAnthropology (145–201). January 2012.
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The Evolution of Primate Societies. J. Mitani, J. Call, P. Kappeler, R. Palombit, J.B. Silk (editors). . January 2012.

The role of canine reduction in diagnosing the earliest hominins: Lessons from a Miocene ape. H. Glowacka, G. Schwartz, and W. Kimbel. American Journal of Physical Anthropology S54: 151. January 2012.


Development of the SAR TT-OSL procedure for dating of Middle Pleistocene beach and dune deposits along the Southern Cape coast of South Africa. Zenobia Jacobs, Richard G. Roberts, Panagiotis Karkanas, Curtis W. Marean, David L. Roberts. Quaternary Geochronology 6 (491–513). October 2011.
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CT-based study of internal structure of the anterior pillar in extinct hominins and its implications for the phylogeny of robust Australopithecus. Brian Villmoare and William Kimbel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (16200–16205). September 2011.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1105844108 | View article in PNAS (link is external)

Timing of the appearance of habitual fire use. Dennis M. Sandgathea, Harold L. Dibble, Paul Goldberg, Shannon P. McPherrond, Alain Turqh, Laura Nivend, and Jamie Hodgkins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 16200–16205. July 2011.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1106759108 | View article at PNAS (link is external)

The role of tracking and tolerance in relationships among friends. M. Xue, J.B. Silk. Evolution and Human Behavior 33:1 (17–25). July 2011.
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Total station archaeology and the use of digital photography. J. A. Bernatchez and C.W. Marean. SAA Archaeological Record 11:3 (16–21). May 2011.
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Environmental implications of micromammals accumulated close to the MIS 6 to MIS 5 transition at Pinnacle Point Cave 9 (Mossel Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa). T. Matthews, A. Rector, Z. Jacobs, A.I.R. Herries, C.W. Marean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302 (213–229). March 2011.
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Fossil tragelaphini (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) from the Hadar Formation, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia. K.E. Reed and F. Bibi . Journal of Mammalian Evolution 18 (57–69). March 2011.
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Complete fourth metatarsal and arches in the foot of Australopithecus afarensis. C.V Ward, W.H. Kimbel, and D.C. Johanson. Science 331 (750–753). February 2011.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1201463 | View article on Science (link is external)

In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates. C.F Ross, M.A. Berthaume, P. Dechow, J. Iriarte-Diaz, L.B. Porro, B. Richmond, M. Spencer, and D. Strait. Journal of Anatomy 218 (112–141). January 2011.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2010.01322.x DOI Link (link is external) | View article at National Center for Biotechnology Information (link is external)

Evolution of the lower third premolar in early Australopithecus. L. Delezene and W.H. Kimbel . Journal of Human Evolution 60 (711–730). January 2011.


The cranial base of Australopithecus afarensis: New insights from the female skull. W.H. Kimbel and Y. Rak. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365 (3365–3376). September 2010.
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0070 | View article on Royal Society (link is external)

Introduction to the Special Issue: The Middle Stone Age at Pinnacle Point Cave 13B, South Africa. Guest Editor of Special Issue: C.W. Marean. Journal of Human Evolution 59: 231–445. September 2010.
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Pinnacle Point Cave 13B (Western Cape Province, South Africa) in context: The Cape Floral Kingdom, shellfish, and modern human origins. Curtis W. Marean. Journal of Human Evolution 59: 425–443. September 2010.
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Evidence for stone-tool-assisted consumption of animal tissues before 3.39 million years ago at Dikika, Ethiopia. S. McPherron, Z. Alemseged, C. Marean, J. Wynn, D. Reed, D. Geraads, R. Bobe, and H.A. Be´arat. Nature 466 (857–860). August 2010.
DOI: 10.1038/nature09248 | View article in Nature (link is external)

“Life history space”: A multivariate analysis of life history variation in extant and extinct Malagasy lemurs. Catlett, K. K., Schwartz, G. T., Godfrey, L. R. Jungers, W. L. . American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 391-404. January 2010.
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.21236 | View article on Wiley Online (link is external)


Dental development and life history in living African and Asian apes. J. Kelley and G. T. Schwartz. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (1035–1040). December 2009.
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'Lucy' Redux: A Review of research on Australopithecus afarnesis. William H. Kimbel and Lucas K. Delezene. Yearbook of Physical Anthroplogy 52 (2–48). November 2009.
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.21183 | View abstract (link is external)

Fire as an engineering tool of early modern human. K.S. Brown, C.W. Marean, A.I.R. Herries, Z. Jacobs, C. Tribolo, D. Braun, D. L. Roberts, M.C. Meyer, and J. Bernatchez. Science 325: 859–862. August 2009.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1175028 | View article on Science (link is external)

The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus. D.S. Strait, G.W. Weber, S. Neubauer, J. Chalk, B.G. Richmond, P.W. Lucas, M.A. Spencer, C. Schrein, P.C. Dechow, C.F. Ross, I.R. Grosse, B.W. Wright, P. Constantino, B.A.Wood, B. Lawn, W.L. Hylander, Q. Wang, C. Byron, D. Slice, and A. Smith. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 106 no. 7 2124–2129. February 2009.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0808730106 | View article in PNAS (link is external)


Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene. C.W. Marean, M. Bar-Matthews, J. Bernatchez, E. Fisher, P. Goldberg, A.I.R. Herries, Z. Jacobs, A. Jerardino, P. Karkanas, T. Minichillo, P.J. Nilssen, E. Thompson, I. Watts, and H. M. Williams. Nature 449: 905–908. August 2007.
DOI: 10.1038/nature06204 | View article in Nature (link is external)