Give to the Institute of Human Origins

Give to the Institute of Human Origins

The Institute of Human Origins invites you to share in the excitement of discovery, the pursuit of new knowledge, and the public discussion of the enduring puzzle of how we "became human." 

Why Give

An investment in the Institute of Human Origins helps to fund student scholarships, support research in laboratories and field sites, and meet the growing needs of our researchers and students. Please help us continue the search!

Donate online at the "Give Now" link above or mail your check payable to "ASU Foundation" to

Lindsay Mullen
ASU Institute of Human Origins
PO Box 878404
Tempe AZ 85287-8404

Connect with us

How You Can Make a Difference

Invest in support of student research through your gift to these scholarship endowments

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Donald C. Johanson Paleoanthropological Research Endowment

Donald Johanson, IHO Founding Director, created this endowment to inspire and contribute to training the next generation of human origins researchers.

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Elizabeth H. Harmon Research Endowment

Elizabeth H. Harmon Research Endowment

This visionary endowment gift was established in Elizabeth Harmon’s memory by her parents, Dr. Frank and Judy Harmon, and supports graduate student research relevant to human evolution in Africa.

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Bill Kimbel Impact Fund

Established by Bill Kimbel's friends and colleagues upon his passing in 2022, this fund will support an annual lecture series in Kimbel's name and, in the future as the endowment grows, it will support a student research and scholarships.

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Kaye Reed Scholarship Endowment

This new endowment supports undergraduate and graduate student research and contributes to a shift towards the gender equity needed in the research community.

Help conserve the Jane Goodall Institute Gombe Chimpanzee Research Archive at ASU!


The Institute of Human Origins will soon house the physical materials of the Jane Goodall Institute Gombe Chimpanzee Research Archive—over 60 years of handwritten observations of wild chimpanzees in Gombe National Park. For the continued protection of these irreplaceable, priceless materials, we seek funds to establish a world-class secure space to include fire- and water-proof filing cabinets fitted with acid-free, archival quality folders. To make a donation to this effort, see the ASU Pitchfunder page. 

The study of how and where humans developed on Earth has never been more vibrant than today. We are seeking visionary partners to join our mission to advance the science of human origins and explore the ongoing challenges of our field and laboratory research.

Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Director