External Grants Awarded (2005–2021)
Total: $16,636,888
Haile-Selassie, Y. (PI) Reconstructing paleoecology for critical transitions in hominin evolution. National Science Foundation. $311,206
Haile-Selassie, Y. (PI), Reed, K. (Co-PI), Campisano, C. (Co-PI), Su, D. (Co-PI): Disentangling the drivers of human evolution: Tectonics, Climate, and Habitat. Keck Foundation. $497,168.
Langergraber, K. (PI). Ngogo Chimp Project. Village Enterprise. $128,895.
Marean, C. (PI) HOMER Initiative: Human Origins, Migration, and Evolution Research Project. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Langergraber, K. (PI). North Carolina Zoological Society support for anti-poaching patrols and genetic monitoring of Ngogo chimpanzees. North Carolina Zoo. $10,000.
Langergraber, K. (PI). Anti-poaching and snare removal patrols in Kimbale National Park, Uganda. Detroit Zoological Society. $30,000.
Mathew, S. (PI), Doctoral Dissertation Research (Yan, M.): How norms are maintained and how they change: A case study of cooperative farming surplus division in Derung Village D, Yunnan, China. National Science Foundation. $14,806
Mathew, S. (PI) RAPID: How interpersonal interaction and personal hygiene norms and their shift dynamics impact COVID-19 transmission. National Science Foundation. $66,882
Marean, C. (PI) HOMER Initiative: Human Origins, Migration, and Evolution Research Project. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Campisano, C. (PI) Collaborative Research: The chronology and ecological context of primate and mammalian evolution in the lower Siwaliks of Ramnagar (Jammu and Kasmir), India. National Science Foundation. $18,285.
Gilby, I. (PI): LTREB: Female settlement patterns and social relationships in chimpanzees, a male philopatric species. Duke University. $35,758
Braun, K. (PI) Collaborative Proposal: P2C2 South African Hydroclimate. National Science Foundation $493,602.
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (McGrosky, A.): Hard tissue correlates of primate growth rate variation. National Science Foundation. $21,885
Campisano, C. (PI), Reed. K (Co-PI), Arrowsmith, R (Co-PI) Collaborative Research: Hominin diversity, paleobiology, and behavior at the terminal Pliocene from Ledi-Geraru (Afar, Ethiopia). National Science Foundation. $108,203.
Campisano, C. (PI), Marean, C. (Co-PI) Collaborative Research: Support for the cryptotephra laboratory for archaeological and geological research at the UNLV and the ceramic and sediment. National Science Foundation. $98,418.
Reed, K (PI) Doctoral Dissertation Research (Smail, I): Community Ecology. National Science Foundation. $16,609
Reed, K. (PI), Smail, I. (Co-PI): Community ecology of living and fossil cercopithecid. Leakey Foundation. $14,952
Mathew, S. (PI). Yan, M. (Co-PI): Dulong Fieldwork. Max Planck Institute. $15,991
Marean, C. (PI) HOMER Initiative: Human Origins, Migration, and Evolution Research Project. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Fisher, E. (PI): Human occupation and adaptation in a persistent coastal environmentm during the LG. National Science Foundation. $299,890
Marean, C. (PI) HOMER Initiative: Human Origins, Migration, and Evolution Research Project. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Reed, K (PI), Seyoum, C. (Co-PI): Hominin Isotopic Dietary Niche Breadth Expansion. Leakey Foundation. $14,975
Gilby, I. (PI), Bray, J. (Co-PI): Social relationships in male chimpanzees: Form function and development. Leakey Foundation. $15,000
Schwartz, G. (PI) Ortiz Rivarola, A. (Co-PI): A comprehensive analysis of the deciduous dentition of Plio-Pleistocene hominins. Wenner-Gren Foundation. $15,555
Kimbel, W. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation Research (Grider-Potter, N.): Form and function of the primate cervical spine. National Science Foundation. $29,950
Campisano, C. (PI) Geological and Paleoanthropological Data Harmonization Workshop. National Science Foundation. $49,978.
Silk, J. (PI), Patterson, S. (Co-PI): Maternal predictors of infant development trajectories in olive baboons. Leakey Foundaiton. $15,000
Silk, J. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation Research (Patterson, S.): Maternal predictors of infant development trajectories in olive baboons. National Science Foundation. $20,399
Marean, C. (PI) HOMER Initiative: Human Origins, Migration, and Evolution Research Project. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Langergraber, K. (PI). Anti-poaching patrols Kibale National Park Uganda. Nacey-Maggioncalda Foundation. $81,2988.
Langergraber, K. (PI) Ngogo Chimpanzee Project: Anti-poaching patrols and genetic monitoring of chimpanzee in Kibale National Park Uganda. North Carolina Zoological Society. $10,500.
Reed, K. (PI). Collaborative Research: Understanding Temporal Variation in Primate Communities: Integrating Data from Extant and Fossil Species. National Science Foundation. $63,464
Hill, K. (PI). Senior Fellowship: Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. $61,500.
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Glowaka, H.): Biomechanical constraints on molar emergence in primates. National Science Foundation. $8,195
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
House, B. (PI). Cross-Cultural and Development Perspectives on the Evolution of Human Behavior and Cognition Workshop. HBES. $4,365
Mathew, S. (PI). Origins of Human Cooperation. Carnegie Corporation of New York. $200,000
Kimbel, W. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Grider-Potter, N.): Posture and mobility of the primate cervical spine. Nacey-Maggioncalda Foundation. $2,922
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Glowaka, H.): Biomechanical constraints on molar emergence in primates. Nacey-Maggioncalda Foundation. $4,990
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Glowaka, H.): Biomechanical constraints on molar emergence in primates. Leakey Foundation. $15,000
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Glowaka, H.): Growth of the Masticatory System and Biomechanical contstraints on molar emergence. Wenner-Gren. $4,542
Schwartz, G. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation (Glowaka, H.): Biomechanical constraints on molar emergence in primates. National Science Foundation. $10,100
Fisher, E. (PI) The Origins and Impact of Modern Human Diets. National Science Foundation. $34,269
Marean, C. (Co-PI), Fisher, E. (Co-PI) "Collaborative Research: Development and Application of Cryptotephra Studies to Resolve Debates over Chronology in Modern Human Origins Research in South Africa." National Science Foundation. $78,284
W. Kimbel (Lead PI) C. Marean, R. Boyd, C. Campisano, K. Hill, S. Mathew, D. Johanson, J.Kelley, K. Reed, G. Schwartz, J. Silk. Evolutionary foundations of human uniqueness (3-year grant 2014–2017) John Templeton Foundation $4,934,108.
K. Reed (Lead PI), D. Braun. 2014. Collaborative Research: Paleoanthropology of the Ledi- Geraru: Filling in a temporal gap in hominin evolution. National Science Foundation. $275,404.
W. Kimbel, (Lead PI), A. Taylor, C. Ward, C. Robinson, C. Ross. 2014. Collaborative Research: Evolution and biomechanics of mandibular form in Australopithecus anamensis and A. Afarensis. National Science Foundation. $18,092.
S. Mathew. (PI). 2014. The Emergence of Prosocial Religions. University of British Columbia. $15,202.
Kimbel, W. (PI), Taylor, A. (Co-PI), Ward, C. (Co-PI), Robinson, C. (Co-PI), Ross, C. (Co-PI). Collaborative Research: Integrative Investigation of the Evolution and Biomechanics of Mandibular Form in Extant Great Apes and Early Australopithecus. National Science Foundation. $36,802
Marean, C. (PI). Doctoral Dissertation (Harris, J.): Origins of Modern Human Behavior: National Science Foundation. $12,722
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
C. Campisano, K. Reed, A. Cohen (Lead PI), J. Kingston, J. Russell. Collaborative Research: Earth system dynamics and its role in human evolution in Africa. National Science Foundation–FESD. $1,248,928. (The total funding to this project from NSF is $4,905,187. Additional funding for the overall project is provided by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) ($1,000,000). “The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Using scientific drilling to understand the paleoclimate context of human evolution.” PIs: A. Cohen (lead) and 18 co-PIs, including C. Campisano.)
C. Campisano (Lead PI), R. Arrowsmith (SESE), J. Wynn, M. Umer, A. Asrat. Collaborative Research: The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Acquiring a high-resolution paleoenvironmental context of human evolution. Co-PIs: Ledi-Geraru hominin site (Afar, Ethiopia). National Science Foundation. $251,145.
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
W. Kimbel (PI). Workshop: Integrating approaches to diet reconstruction among early hominins. Wenner-Gren Foundation and ASU Institute for Social Science Research. $20,000.
Schwartz, G. (PI) A dental topographic analysis of deciduous tooth wear in hominoids. Wenner-Gren Foundation. $19,465.
C. Campisano (Lead PI), K. Reed, R. Arrowsmith. Collaborative Research: Paleoanthropological investigation of the Ledi-Geraru hominin site (Afar, Ethiopia).National Science Foundation. $200,075.
C. Campisano (Lead PI), K. Reed, Ramon Arrowsmith, J. Wynn, A. Asrat. IPG: Collaborative Research: A high-resolution analysis of unique paleoenvironmental data from key hominin sites in East Africa. National Science Foundation (BCS-PA). $117,251.
C. Marean (PI). The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $100,000.
W. Kimbel (Lead PI), J. Kelley. Collaborative Research: Paleobiogeography, paleoecology, and continued investigation of a diverse, terminal Miocene, primate-bearing fauna from southern China. National Science Foundation. $36,572.
C. Marean (PI). Developing and testing an integrated paleoscape model for the early Middle and Late Pleistocene of the south coast of South Africa. National Science Foundation–IPG Program $1,000,000.
C. Marean (PI). Follow the Coast: Marine geophysical study of early human use of the continental shelf of the south coast, South Africa. National Geographic Society. $47,905.
C. Marean (PI). The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $75,000.
C. Marean (PI). Reconnaissance for coastal Stone Age archaeological sites within Pondoland, Eastern Cape, South Africa. National Geographic Society. $15,000.
C. Marean (PI). The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $75,000.
C. Marean, Karen Esler, Corli Witthuhn (Co-PIs). Geophytes and human origins. PI: Richard Cowling. National Research Foundation (South Africa) $66,000.
W. Kimbel (PI). Paleoanthropology of the Hadar Site: Field work at the 333 (First Family) hominin and 666 archaeological localities. National Geographic Society. $23,000.
W. Kimbel (PI). Comparative and experimental investigations of cranial robusticity in Pleistocene hominins. Wenner-Gren Foundation. $15,000.
C. Marean (PI). The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $75,000.
W. Kimbel (PI). Doctoral Dissertation: Comparative and experimental investigations of cranial robusticity in Homo erectus. National Science Foundation. $15,000.
K. Reed, C. Marean (Co-PIs). Explaining a confluence of diversity and complexity: Paleoanthropological and paleogenetic investigations of fynbos, marine ecosystems, and human origins. ASU School of Human Evolution and Social Change–Late Lessons Program. $400,000 over 5 years.
C. Campisano, W. Kimbel, K. Reed, J. Arrowsmith (Co-PIs). Geoinformatics-based data integration for the study of the Pliocene fossil-bearing strata of the Hadar Basin (Afar, Ethiopia). ASU School of Human Evolution and Social Change–Late Lessons Program. $400,000 over 5 years.
C. Marean (PI). The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $50,000.
W. Kimbel (PI). Nonsocial Influences on canine size in anthropoid primates. Leakey Foundation $13,500.
M. Spencer (PI). Locomotor function and evolution of the primate pelvis. Leakey Foundation. $13,500.
W. Kimbel (PI). Temporomandibular joint variation in primates: Perspectives from phylogeny, function, and allometry. Leakey Foundation $7,640.
Spencer, M. (PI) Collaborative research: Integrative analysis of hominid feeding biomechanics. National Science Foundation $178,822. [Part of a joint submission to the NSF Hominid Program for $2,500,000 over five years]
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $50,000.
Schwartz, G. (PI: Jane Buikstra) International collaborative research grant: Age and dynasty in ancient Maya society. Wenner-Gren Foundation $29,000.
Marean, C. (PI) The Mossel Bay Archaeology Project (MAP): A long-term plan for research into the origins of modern human behavior. Hyde Family Foundation $50,000.
Spencer, M. (PI) Evolutionary morphology of the anthropoid wrist and the evolution of knuckle-walking in the hominidae. Wenner-Gren Foundation. $24,546.
Spencer, M. (PI) Comparison of human population distances using genetic and craniometric data. Wenner-Gren Foundation. $4,951.
Marean, C. (PI) Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental context of the origins of modern humans in South Africa: Constructing a detailed record from 400,000 to 30,000 years ago. National Science Foundation Hominid Program $2,500,000 over 5 years.
Kimbel, W. (PI) Geometric morphometric analysis of the infraorbital region of extinct hominins, modern humans, and great apes. Leakey Foundation $8,500.
Kimbel, W. (PI) Doctoral Dissertation: Geometric morphometric analysis of the infraorbital region of extinct hominins, modern humans, and great apes. National Science Foundation $3,500.